Call Number (LC) Title Results
H.rp.110-468 Genocide Accountability Act of 2007 1
H.rp.110-469/1 Amending the Joint Resolution Approving the Covenant To Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 1
H.rp.110-470/1 U.S. Capitol Police and Library of Congress Police Merger Implementation Act of 2007 1
H.rp.110-471 Waiving a Requirement of Clause 6 (a) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported from the Committee on Rules 1
H.rp.110-472/1 To Include All Banking Agencies Within the Existing Regulatory Authority Under the Federal Trade Commission Act with Respect to Depository Institutions 1
H.rp.110-472/2 To Include All Banking Agencies Within the Existing Regulatory Authority Under the Federal Trade Commission Act with Respect to Depository Institutions 1
H.rp.110-473 Granting the Authority Provided Under Clause 4(c)(3) of Rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives to the Committee on Education and Labor for Purposes of Its Investigation into the Deaths of 9 Individuals That Occurred at the Crandall Canyon Mine Near Huntington, Utah 1
H.rp.110-474 Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to the Bill (H.R. 6) To Reduce Our Nation's Dependency on Foreign Oil by Investing in Clean, Renewable, and Alternative Energy Resources, Promoting New Emerging Energy Technologies, Developing Greater Efficiency, and Creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve To Invest in Alternative Energy 1
H.rp.110-475 Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendment to the Bill (H.R. 2761) To Extend the Terrorism Insurance Program of the Department of the Treasury 1
H.rp.110-476 Waiving a Requirement of Clause 6 (a) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported from the Committee on Rules 1
H.rp.110-477 National Defense Authorization Act for FY2008 1
H.rp.110-478 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2008 1
H.rp.110-479 Amendment to Section 3328 of Title 5, U.S. Code, Relating to Selective Service Registration 1
H.rp.110-480 John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act of 2007 1
H.rp.110-481/1 Global Online Freedom Act of 2007 1
H.rp.110-482 Directing the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration) To Address Vulnerabilities in Aviation Security by Carrying Out a Pilot Program To Screen Airport Workers with Access to Secure and Sterile Areas of Airports 1
H.rp.110-483 Authorizing Appropriations for the San Gabriel Basin Restoration Fund 1
H.rp.110-484 Amending the Arizona Water Settlements Act To Modify the Requirements for the Statement of Findings 1
H.rp.110-485 Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007 1
H.rp.110-486 Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007 1