Call Number (LC) Title Results
H.rp.114-780 Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act of 2015. 1
H.rp.114-781 Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5931) To Provide for the Prohibition on Cash Payments to the Government of Iran, and for Other Purposes, and Waiving a Requirement of Clause 6(a) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported from the Committee on Rules. 1
H.rp.114-782/1 Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-783/1 Modernizing Government Technology Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-784 CO-OP Consumer Protection Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-785/1 Water Resources Development Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-786 Mental Health First Aid Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-787/1 Dangerous Synthetic Drug Control Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-788 First Responder Access to Innovative Technologies Act. 1
H.rp.114-789 To Restrict the Inclusion of Social Security Account Numbers on Documents Sent by Mail by the Federal Government. 1
H.rp.114-790 Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5303) To Provide for Improvements to the Rivers and Harbors of the United States, To Provide for the Conservation and Development of Water and Related Resources, and for Other Purposes; : Providing for Consideration of Motions To Suspend the Rules; and Waving a Requirement of Clause 6(A) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported from the Committee on Rules. 1
H.rp.114-791 Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 954) To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 To Exempt from the Individual Mandate Certain Individuals Who Had Coverage Under a Terminated Qualified Health Plan Funded Through the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) Program. 1
H.rp.114-792 Resolution Recommending That the House of Representatives Find Bryan Pagliano in Contempt of Congress for Refusal To Comply with a Subpoena Duly Issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. 1
H.rp.114-793 Amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 To Exempt Amounts Paid for Aircraft Management Services from the Excise Taxes Imposed on Transportation by Air. 1
H.rp.114-794 Providing for Further Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5303) To Provide for Improvements to the Rivers and Harbors of the United States, To Provide for the Conservation and Development of Water and Related Resources, and for Other Purposes; : Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 6094) To Provide for a 6-Month Delay in the Effective Date of a Rule of the Department of Labor Relating to Income Thresholds for Determining Overtime Pay for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees; and Providing for Proceedings During the Period from September 29, 2016, Through November 11, 2016. 1
H.rp.114-795 In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representative David McKinley. 1
H.rp.114-796 Commercial Remote Sensing Act of 2015. 1
H.rp.114-797 Office of Space Commerce Act. 1
H.rp.114-798 Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-799 SEC Regulatory Accountability Act. 1