Call Number (LC) Title Results
H.rp.114-800 Providing for Consideration of the Senate Amendment to the Bill (H.R. 5325) Making Appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2017. 1
H.rp.114-801 National Clinical Care Commission Act. 1
H.rp.114-802 Improving Access to Maternity Care Act. 1
H.rp.114-803 Title VII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-804/1 Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-805 Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-806 Anti-Spoofing Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-807/1 Protecting Our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-808 RESPONSE Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-809/1 Veterans TRICARE Choice Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-810 To Prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from Authorizing Certain Transactions by a U.S. Financial Institution in Connection with the Export or Re-Export of a Commercial Passenger Aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran. 1
H.rp.114-811 Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Medical Staffing Recruitment and Retention Act. 1
H.rp.114-812 To Amend Title 38, United States Code, To Expand the Eligibility for Headstones, Markers, and Medallions Furnished by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Deceased Individuals Who Were Awarded the Medal of Honor and Are Buried in Private Cemeteries. 1
H.rp.114-813 Protecting Veterans' Educational Choice Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-814 Communities Helping Invest Through Property and Improvements Needed for Veterans Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-815 Ethical Patient Care for Veterans Act of 2016. 1
H.rp.114-816 Military Residency Choice Act. 1
H.rp.114-817 No Hero Left Untreated Act. 1
H.rp.114-818 Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5711) To Prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from Authorizing Certain Transactions by a U.S. Financial Institution in Connection with the Export or Re-Export of a Commercial Passenger Aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran; : Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5982) To Amend Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, To Provide for En Bloc Consideration in Resolutions of Disapproval for "Midnight Rules", Providing for Proceedings During the Period from November 18, 2016, Through November 28, 2016. 1
H.rp.114-819 No Ex-Im Assistance for Terrorism Act. 1