Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
H11 .N2432 no. 113 |
The cyclical timing of consumer credit, 1920-67 The cyclical timing of consumer credit, 1920-67 / |
2 |
H11 .N2432 no. 115 | Business loan costs and bank market structure: an empirical estimate of their relations / | 1 |
H11 .N2432 no. 118 | Mental ability and higher educational attainment in the 20th century / | 1 |
H11 .N2433 |
Annual report - National Bureau of Economic Research. Annual report of the director of research, a record of ... and plans for. |
2 |
Your match would be here. | ||
H11 .N273 No.36 | The evolution of global labor markets in the first and second world since 1830 : background evidence and hypotheses / | 1 |
H11 .N273 No.62 | The Great depression / | 1 |
H11 .S6 | Annual report - Social Science Research Council. | 1 |
H11 .S8 | The Sunset Club, Chicago. | 1 |
H11 .T47 no. 84 | Market socialism : a scrutiny : 'this square circle' / | 1 |
H11 .U437 1930 | Die Bisamratte : Lebensweise, Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, Gang ihrer Ausbreitung in Europa und bekämpfung / | 1 |
H13 .B728 | Revue de l'Institut de sociologie. | 1 |
H13 .F7 t. 15 G89 | Geographie du monde au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance / | 1 |
H13 .S83 | Bulletin - Collège de l'Europe libre, Centre d'études avancées. | 1 |
H19.A63 A172 | Obshchestvennye nauki v Uzbekistane / | 1 |
H19 .B78 | Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnské university. | 1 |
H19.I52 A6 | A Mexican interest group in action. | 1 |
H19.S6 P6 | A century of social thinking in Hawaii. | 1 |
H21-220/2003E | Learning from SARS renewal of public health in Canada. | 1 |
H21 .P64 | Policy analysis and policy innovation : patterns, problems, and potentials / | 2 |
H21 .S68 1999 | So︠t︡sialʹni ta politychni nauky u Spivdru︠z︡hnosti nezale︠z︡hnykh der︠z︡hav : dopovidi robochoï zustrichi, Kyïv, 23-25 veresn︠i︡a 1998 r. / | 1 |