Call Number (LC) Title Results
H31 .C514 no. 118 The nature of nomadism : a comparative study of pastoral migrations in southwestern Asia and northern Africa / 1
H31 .C514 no. 119 Locational factors and locational developments in the Soviet chemical industry. 1
H31 .C514 no. 120 The political element in the port geography of Trieste. 1
H31 .C514 no. 121 The recreational use of domestic water supply reservoirs : perception and choice / 1
H31 .C514 no. 122 Coastal landforms of Cat Island, Bahamas : a study of Holocene accretionary topography and sea-level change / 1
H31 .C514 no. 123 China : area, administration, and nation building / 1
H31 .C514 no. 124 The spatial behavior of hospital patients : a behavioral approach to spatial interaction in metropolitan Chicago / 1
H31 .C514 no. 125 Managing the lower Rio Grande : an experience in international river development / 1
H31 .C514 no. 126 Urban water supply alternatives : perception and choice in the Grand Basin, Ontario / 1
H31 .C514 no.126 Urban water supply alternatives : perception and choice in the Grand Basin, Ontario / 1
H31 .C514 no. 127 Victorian Toronto, 1850 to 1900 : pattern and process of growth / 1
H31 .C514 no. 128 Rural markets and trade in East Africa : a study of the functions and development of exchange institutions in Ankole, Uganda / 1
H31 .C514 no. 129 Spatial variation of Black urban households / 1
H31 .C514 no. 130 Meseta and campiƱa landforms in central Spain : a geomorphology of the Alto Henares Basin / 1
H31 .C514 no. 131 Reservation to city : Indian migration and Federal relocation / 1
H31 .C514 no. 132 Mobility and the small town, 1900-1930 : transportation change in Oregon, Illinois / 1
H31 .C514 no. 133 Migration and regional development in the United States, 1950-1960 / 1
H31 .C514 no. 134 Heart disease, cancer, and stroke in Chicago : a geographical analysis with facilities, plans, for 1980 / 1
H31 .C514 no. 135 Renovated waste water : an alternative source of municipal water supply in the United States / 1
H31 .C514 no. 136 Recent history of an Ethiopian delta : the Omo River and the level of Lake Rudolf / 1