Call Number (LC) Title Results
H31 .C7 no. 244 Foreign credit facilities in the United Kingdom : a sketch of post-war development and present status / 1
H31 .C7 no. 245 Reconstruction in Arkansas, 1862-1874 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 246 The United mine workers of America, and the non-union coal fields / 1
H31 .C7 no. 247 Business fluctuations and the American labor movement, 1915-1922 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 248 The Democratic machine, 1850-1854 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 249 Labor disputes and the President of the United States / 1
H31 .C7 no. 250 Catholicism and the second French republic, 1848-1852. 1
H31 .C7 no.250 Catholicism and the second French republic, 1848-1852. 1
H31 .C7 no. 251 The Pan-German league, 1890-1914 / 1
H31 .C7 no.251 The Pan-German league, 1890-1914 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 252 The humane movement in the United States, 1910-1922 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 253 Farmers and workers in American politics / 1
H31 .C7 no. 254 The Bank of North Dakota : an experiment in agrarian banking / 1
H31 .C7 no. 255 A new American commercial policy as evidenced by section 317 of the Tariff act of 1922 / 1
H31 .C7 no. 256 Frances Wright / 1
H31 .C7 no. 257 Tory democracy / 1
H31 .C7 no. 258 Labor policy of the United States steel corporation / 1
H31 .C7 no. 259 Protective labor legislation, with special reference to women in the State of New York / 1
H31 .C7 no. 260 The Roman colonate : the theories of its origin / 1
H31 .C7 no. 261 The introduction of Adam Smith's doctrines into Germany / 1