Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
H59.W87 O24 1999 | Houser : the life and work of Catherine Bauer / | 1 |
H59.W87.O24 1999eb | Houser : the Life and Work of Catherine Bauer. | 1 |
H59.W87 O24 1999eb | ||
H60 |
Beyond the bottom line : integrating sustainability into business and management practice / Capitalism with a conscience : Whole Foods Market and the complications of caring / |
2 |
H61 |
Thorstein Veblen : economist and social theorist / Trend in communication policy research. APRENDER A INVESTIGAR : nociones basicas para la investigacion social. Cambridge social ontology : an introduction to social positioning theory / Reshaping power dynamics between sustainable growth and technical disruption : 6th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, ICESS 2023, Bucharest, Romania / Resilience in Social, Cultural and Political Spheres / Photography as a social research method / The Antinomies of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim (Theoretical Logic in Sociology) / Semiotic sociology / Emancipation and history : the return of social theory / Toward a pragmatist sociology : John Dewey and the legacy of C. Wright Mills / Disciplining interdisciplinarity : integration and implementation sciences for researching complex real-world problems / Understanding society through a systems approach : interdisciplinary perspectives from the social sciences / Behavior science perspectives on culture and community / Indirekte Referenz - Pragmatischer Realismus und Medientheorie Soziologische Übersetzungen III. Reconstructing social theory, history and practice / Wissen in Zahlen? : zur Herstellung quantitativen Wissens in der Sozialwissenschaft / Marx and Wittgenstein : social praxis and social explanation / The Politics of Affective Societies : An Interdisciplinary Essay / Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines adaptiven Multistage-Tests zur Kompetenzerfassung im Bereich naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens / Pierre Bourdieu Framing social theory : reassembling the lexicon of contemporary social sciences / Multidimensional Scaling. El uso de la encuesta en las ciencias sociales / Erleben, Erleiden, Erfahren Die Konstitution sozialen Sinns jenseits instrumenteller Vernunft. Une troisième voie entre l'État et le marché : échanges avec Elinor Ostrom / An introduction to survey questionnaire design. Cinco Ensayos No Metódicos Sobre Metodología Crítica de la filosofía de las ciencias sociales de Max Weber. Eignung von domänenspezifischen Studieneingangsvariablen als Prädiktoren für Studienerfolg im Fach und Lehramt Physik On Purposeful Systems : an Interdisciplinary Analysis of Individual and Social Behavior as a System of Purposeful Events / Evaluation in action : interviews with expert evaluators / REVISITING SOCIAL THEORY challenges and possibilities. Fieldnotes in qualitative education and social science research : approaches, practices, and ethical considerations / The capability approach : from theory to practice / Remembering the 1980 Turkish military coup d'état : memory, violence, and trauma / Social cohesion in the Western world : what holds societies together: insights from the social cohesion radar / Restoring the classic in sociology : traditions, texts and the canon / How gender can transform the social sciences innovation and impact / Proceedings of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities and Arts (SSHA 2024) The Idea of Social Science and Proper Phenomenology / Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung : empirische Einsichten und theoretische Perspektiven / Die Praxis der Social-Media-Analyse Eine explorative Untersuchung kalibrierten Zuhörens in der Automobilindustrie. The social sciences and democracy The comparative method : moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies / Event history analysis with R / FACES OF REPUBLICAN TURKEY beyond the modernization hypothesis. Normal rationality : decisions and social order / Text analysis for the social sciences : methods for drawing statistical inferences from texts and transcripts / Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy Agent-based Modelling using the SKIN Platform / Experiencing social research : a reader / Mathematical frontiers of the social and policy sciences / Use of Models Soc Science CRITICAL VISIONS : new directions in social theory. Event history analysis with Stata / Politics, values, and public policy : the problem of methodology / Encontrar el sentido a los datos cualitativos : estrategias complementarias de investigación / STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE a philosophical introduction. Social sciences : the big issues / New directions in the philosophy of social science / Thinking Space Critical Theory and Political Modernity / Mixed methods Computational Social Science. Social research methods by example : applications in the modern world / Endloskurz. Researching the lifecourse : critical reflections from the social sciences / Social policy and welfare pluralism : selected writings of Robert Pinker / Taming Risk : Uncertainty, Trust and the Sociological Discourse of Modernity. Ethics and integrity in visual research methods / How social science can help us make better choices : optimal rationality in action / Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science : the Way We Think About Politics, Economics, Law, and Society. Essential Statistics For Social Research. Kohtaamisia kentällä Soveltava keskusteluntutkimus ammatillisissa ympäristöissä / Shaping the normative landscape Reformperspektiven für die Industriegesellschaft : neue Wege der sozialen Reform nach dem Scheitern des Sozialismus / Perspectives on behavioral science : the Colorado lectures / Critical junctures and historical legacies : insights and methods for comparative social science / Felix Kaufmann's theory and method in the social sciences / Experts and consensus in social science / Redeeming the sin : social science and literature / Transfert Exploration d'un champ conceptuel. Philosophy, Politics, Democracy Selected Essays. Verständigung in pluralen Welten. Social science and sustainability / Survival analysis / Reference module in social sciences. Qualitative Interviews mit Jugendlichen führen : Ein Leitfaden. The sociological imagination / Quantitative narrative analysis Social Evolution and Sociological Categories. Casualties of causality / Panorama en estudios sociales : literatura, comunicación, arte, mercado y consumo / Exploraciones en teoría social : ensayos de imaginación metodológica / Making the moral case for social sciences stemming the tide / Contributions to social ontology Interdisciplinary Relationships in the Social Sciences / The SAGE dictionary of qualitative inquiry Interpretive social science : an anti-naturalist approach / Lay theories everyday understanding of problems in the social sciences / Studies in social philosophy / The adventure of relevance : an ethics of social inquiry / Dialectics in social thought : the present crisis / Introduction to qualitative research methods : a guidebook and resource / Mary Douglas : understanding human thought and conflict / The Elements of Social Theory Ernest Gellner's legacy and social theory today / Epistemology of the human sciences restoring an evolutionary approach to biology, economics, psychology and philosophy / Ethical dilemmas in qualitative research / Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling : interdisciplinary perspectives on an emerging paradigm shift / Heteronomías en las ciencias sociales : procesos investigativos y violencias simbólicas / Humanity at the crossroads : technological progress, spiritual evolution, and the dawn of the nuclear age / Theoretical sociology : the future of a disciplinary foundation / UPLIFT IN ECONOMICS a plea for the exclusion of moral implications from economics and the... political sciences. The unexpected in action : ethics, rationality, and skills / The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods Institutions, emotions, and group agents : contributions to social ontology / Easing transition in southern Africa : new techniques for policy planning / Human inquiry in action : developments in new paradigm research / Big ideas in social science / Testament for social science : an essay in the application of scientific method to human problems / Theory building in applied disciplines / The nature of explanation in social sciences / Social theory : a guide to central thinkers / Recovering the self : morality and social theory / The SAGE handbook of qualitative research ethics / The social and human sciences in global power relations / Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences Analysing society in a global context empirical studies on sociation processes of volunteers and refugees / Matrices and Society Matrix Algebra and Its Applications in the Social Sciences. Modernism and the Social Sciences: Anglo-American Exchanges Theoretical sociology : a concise introduction to twelve sociological theories / Proceedings of the 2024 9th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development (ICSSED 2024) Green Energy Advances PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE CONDUCT OF FIELD RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Qualitative research interviewing biographic narrative and semi-structured methods / |
148 |
H61-61.95 |
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction : Selected Essays: Volume I Part I Economics of Decision / Design of Management Systems in U.S.S.R. Industry : a Systems Approach / Utility, Probability, and Human Decision Making : Selected Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Rome, 3-6 September, 1973 / Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being / Decision Theory and Social Ethics : Issues in Social Choice / Error Prevention and Well-Being at Work in Western Europe and Russia : Psychological Traditions and New Trends / Essays on Ethics, Social Behavior, and Scientific Explanation / Survey-Welten : Eine empirische Perspektive auf Qualitätskonventionen und Praxisformen der Umfrageforschung / Property and Power : Towards a Non-Marxian Historical Materialism / Revolutions, Systems and Theories : Essays in Political Philosophy / Japan after the Economic Miracle : In Search of New Directions / Researching Risk and Uncertainty Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies / Knowledge, Technology Transfer and Foresight / Progress in Utility and Risk Theory / Aggregation in Economic Research : From Individual to Macro Relations / Recent Developments in the Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory / Response Models for Detection of Change / Politics as Rational Action : Essays in Public Choice and Policy Analysis / Comparing Voting Systems / Social System Accounts : Linking Social and Economic Indicators Through Tangible Behavior Settings / Social Action / Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy / Game Theory as a Theory of a Conflict Resolution / Non-Archimedean Utility Theory Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory : Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria July 3-5, 1974 / Operations Research in Progress Political Science Abstracts : 1996 Annual Supplement ; Volume 1. Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication / Causality in Sociological Research / Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory with Applications / Unmeasured Information and the Methodology of Social Scientific Inquiry / The Foundations of Expected Utility / How People Negotiate : Resolving Disputes in Different Cultures / Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View / Toward the Validation of Dynamic Psychotherapy : a Replication / Determinants and Controls of Scientific Development Philosophy in Geography / Macromodels of the National Economy of the USSR Methodological Aspects / Coping with Complexity : Perspectives for Economics, Management and Social Sciences / Creating a Dialectical Social Science Concepts, Methods, and Models / Mathematical Modeling of Social Relationships : What Mathematics Can Tell Us About People / Instrumental Reasoning and Systems Methodology : an Epistemology of the Applied and Social Sciences / Societies and Social Decision Functions : a Model with Focus on the Information Problem / Aspects of Vagueness / Audit studies : behind the scenes with theory, method, and nuance / The Concept of Probability in Psychological Experiments / The Methodological Unity of Science / Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox : Contemporary Discussions of the Decisions under Uncertainty with Allais' Rejoinder / Theory and Politics/Theorie und Politik : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag für Carl Joachim Friedrich / Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction : Selected Essays: Volume III / Decision Making and Change in Human Affairs : Proceedings of the Fifth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Darmstadt, 1-4 September, 1975 / Business Research Through Argument / Theory and Decision : Essays in Honor of Werner Leinfellner / The Annotated Bibliography of International Programme Evaluation / Information, Inference and Decision / Developments in the Methodology of Social Science / Careful Economics Integrating Caring Activities and Economic Science / Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction Selected Essays: Volume II / |
58 |
H61 .A17 no. 133 | Translating questionnaires and other research instruments problems and solutions / | 1 |
H61 .A24 2017 | Mary Douglas : explaining human thought and conflict / | 1 |
H61 .A37 | Serious games / | 1 |
H61 .A37 1971 | Serious games / | 1 |
H61 .A38 | On purposeful systems / | 2 |
H61 .A38 1997 | Advances in mixed-method evaluation : the challenges and benefits of integrating diverse paradigms / | 1 |
H61 .A385 1992 | Data collection in context / | 1 |
H61 .A39 | Action and interpretation : studies in the philosophy of the social sciences / | 2 |
H61 .A39325 2019 | Advanced research methods for the social and behavioral sciences / | 1 |
H61 .A3933 2015 | Advances in comparative-historical analysis / | 2 |
H61 .A3937 2012 | Advances in longitudinal methods in the social and behavioral sciences / | 1 |
H61 -- A3937 2012eb | Advances in Longitudinal Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. | 1 |
H61 .A394 | Advances in social science methodology. | 1 |
H61 .A423 1999 | Actor network theory and after / | 1 |