Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
H62.A1 R46 | Répertoire mondial des institutions de sciences sociales / | 1 |
H62.A1 R47 | Journal of economic and social measurement. | 1 |
H62.A1 R59 1972 |
Cross-national comparative survey research : theory and practice : papers and proceedings of the Round table [sic] Conference on Cross-National Comparative Survey Research (Budapest 25-29 July 1972) / Cross-national comparative survey research theory and practice : papers and proceedings of the Round table [sic] Conference on Cross-National Comparative Survey Research (Budapest 25-29 July 1972) / |
3 |
H62.A1 S6 | Social education. | 1 |
H62.A1 S635 |
The social studies Social studies for teachers and administrators |
2 |
H62.A1 W37 2022 | The role of context in qualitative case study research : understanding service innovation / | 1 |
H62 .A23 2016eb | Metaphorical imagination : towards a methodology for implicit evidence / | 1 |
H62.A3 |
Computer supported qualitative research new trends in qualitative research (WCQR2021) / Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (CISOC 2022) / Computer supported qualitative research New Trends on Qualitative Research (WCQR2019) / Computer supported qualitative research new trends in qualitative research (WCQR2022) / Exploring new horizons and challenges for social studies in a new normal : proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Educational Issues, (ICOSSEI 2021), Malang City, Indonesia, 7 July 2021 / Retos y Oportunidades de Investigación y de Acción en Tiempos de Crisis Sociosanitaria. Libro de Actas II Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanistas Data science and social research II : methods, technologies and applications / |
7 |
H62.A3 A38 2010 | Advances in social science research using R | 1 |
H62.A3 A67 2017 | Applied practice : evidence and impact in theatre, music and art / | 1 |
H62.A3 .C66 1999 | On effectiveness / | 1 |
H62.A3 E846 2000 | Evaluation and Poverty Reduction : Proceedings from a World Bank Conference. | 1 |
H62.A3 ebook | Retos y oportunidades de investigación y de acción en tiempos de crisis sociosanitaria : libro de actas / | 1 |
H62.A3 F456 2017 | Evaluation and Poverty Reduction / | 1 |
H62.A3 G65 2019 | Going global through social sciences and humanities : a systems and ICT perspective : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference "Going Global Through Social Sciences and Humanities", 27-28 February 2019, Tomsk, Russia / | 1 |
H62.A3 H63.A3C76 | Crossroads of Social Science : the ICPSR 25th Anniversary Volume. | 1 |
H62.A3 -- H85 1988eb | The Human Sciences : Their Contribution to Society and Future Research Needs. | 1 |
H62.A3 I52 | Unity in diversity. | 1 |
H62.A3 I574 1995 | Teaching and interactive methods : with cases, simulations, and games / | 1 |
H62.A3 I575 2019 | Emerging trends in psychology, law, communication studies, culture, religion, and literature in the global digital revolution : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Series: Psychology, Law, Communication Studies, Culture, Religion and Literature (SOSCIS 2019), Semarang, Indonesia, 10 July 2019 / | 1 |