Call Number (LC) Title Results
HA29 .A495 2013 Building SPSS graphs to understand data / 2
HA29 .A53 2021 Analyzing data through probabilistic modeling in statistics / 1
HA29 .A5824 2008 Analysis of multivariate social science data / 2
HA29 .A5828 1993eb Analyzing qualitative data 1
HA29 .A58283 1994 Analyzing social and political change : a casebook of methods / 1
HA29 .A587 2003 Essentials of statistics for business and economics / 1
HA29 .A63 Statistical theory in research / 1
HA29 .A65 1975 A basic course in statistics with sociological applications / 1
HA29 .A665 2013 Theory-based data analysis for the social sciences / 1
HA29 .A688 2005 Statistics for research : with a guide to SPSS / 1
HA29 .A7 1939 An outline of statistical methods, as applied to economics, business, education, social and physical sciences, etc. / 1
HA29 .A7 1956 Statistical methods : [as applied to economics, business, psychology, education, and biology] / 1
HA29 .A7 1970 Statistical methods
Statistical methods /
HA29 .A72 Introduction to statistical analysis and inference for psychology and education / 1
HA29 .A74 1990 Understanding statistics in the social sciences / 2
HA29 .A76 2015 Intermediate social statistics : a conceptual and graphic approach / 1
HA29 .A84 Elements of statistics / 1
HA29 .A86 2007 Super crunchers : why thinking-by-numbers is the new way to be smart / 1
HA29 .A88 2007  
HA29 .A94 2011eb Categorical data analysis for the behavioral and social sciences / 1