Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB105.S6 D35 2019 The birth of economics as a social science : Sismondi's concept of political economy / 1
HB105.T3 L38 2008 L'économie, science des intérêts passionnés : introduction à l'anthropologie économique de Gabriel Tarde / 1
HB105.V6 C5 Les idées économiques de Voltaire. 1
HB105.W28 Réfutation de la doctrine de Hobbes sur le droit naturel de l'individu. 1
HB105.W3 Léon Walras's economic thought : the general equilibrium theory in historical perspective / 1
HB105.W3 J638 1996 The evolutionist economics of Léon Walras / 1
HB105.W3 J638 1996eb The evolutionist economics of Léon Walras /
The evolutionist economics of Léon Walras
HB105.W3 L46 1992 Leon Walras (1834-1910) / 1
HB105.W3 M67 Walras' economics : a pure theory of capital and money / 1
HB105.W3 W35 2006eb Walrasian economics / 1
HB107 The ABCs of Political Economy : a Modern Approach. 1
HB107.A2 Die Ältere Historische Schule Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XX. 2
HB107.A2 C55 2014eb German utility theory : analysis and translations / 1
HB107.A2 H37 1925i The introduction of Adam Smith's doctrines into Germany 1
HB107.A2 K65 1996 Historicism and organicism in economics : the evolution of thought / 1
HB107.A2 R45 2019 The visionary realism of German economics : from the Thirty Years' War to the Cold War / 1
HB107.A2 S43 2005 The soul of the German historical school : methodological essays on Schmoller, Weber, and Schumpeter / 1
HB107.A2 T76 1995 Strategies of economic order : German economic discourse, 1750-1950 / 1
HB107.A3 F794 2018 Frühe deutsche Nationalöknominnen : eine Spurensuche / 1
HB107.B58 L8 Festrede aus Anlass der akademischen Trauerfeier für Herrn Prof. Dr. G. Bondi / 1