Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB1321.F76 1998 From Death to Birth : Mortality Decline and Reproductive Change. 1
HB1321.G46 1666 The general bill of mortallity: with a continuation of this present year 1666. Being a true relation of seven modern plagues of visitations in London, with the number of those that were buried of all diseases; viz the first year of Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1592. The second in the year 1603 the third in (that never to be forgotten year) 1625. The fourth in anno 1630. The first in the year 1636. The first in the year 1637 and 1638. The seventh this present year 1665. 1
HB1321 .I34 2017 Identifying age as a confounding variable. 1
HB1321 .I55 1994 International mortality chartbook : levels and trends, 1955-91. 1
HB1321 .I58 2011 International handbook of adult mortality 1
HB1321 .M36 1984 Recent trends in mortality analysis / 2
HB1321 .M37 2017 Mastering mortality rates. 1
HB1321 .M4713 1990 Measurement and analysis of mortality : new approaches / 1
HB1321 .P67 2017 Postmortal society : towards a sociology of immortality / 3
HB1321 .P73 Causes of death: life tables for national population / 1
HB1321 .P74 1976 Mortality patterns in national populations : with special reference to recorded causes of death / 1
HB1321 .P74 1976eb Mortality patterns in national populations with special reference to recorded causes of death / 1
HB1321 .R38 2007 Seasonality in human mortality a demographic approach / 1
HB1321 .R39 2018 Visualizing mortality dynamics in the lexis diagram / 2
HB1321 .S7 Life tables from limited data : a demographic approach. 1
HB1321 .S87 2010 Supercentenarians 1
HB1321 T68x, 1992 Total mortality and mortality from heart disease, cancer, and stroke from 1950 to 1987 in 27 countries : highlights of trends and their interrelationships among causes of death / 1
HB1321 .V576 2014 Háblame / 1
HB1321 ebook Atlas de mortalidad de la región Caribe colombiana 2008-2015 : mapeo y análisis desde el enfoque bayesiano / 1
HB1322 .C62 1983 Regional model life tables and stable populations
Regional model life tables and stable populations /