HB161 .C35 1644
Englands sad posture; or, A true description of the present estate of poore distressed England, and of the lamentable condition of these distracted times, since the beginning of this civill, and unnaturall warr. / |
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HB161 .C35 2013
Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. |
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HB161.C37 1695
The case of the manufacturers of iron in England the old duty of tunage and poundage per tun. |
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HB161.C38 1660
A caveat, for my countreymen in general, the assessors and collectors of publick taxes, in particular. Most dear countreymen, I dayly hear the groanes of some of you perishing, others despairing, all languishing; yet, methinks, I cannot afford you such pity as the sadness of your condition might seem to challenge. |
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HB161 .C48 1660
Brief observations concerning trade and interest of money |
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HB161.C49 1686
The accomptants guide, or, Merchants book-keeper containing first an explanation of all the most useful and necessary rules of arithmetick, that the meanest capacity thereby may attain to the knowledge thereof : with tables for the reducing of Flemish ells into English, and English into Flemish : also for the ready and exact computing of the custom of Holland cloth, tobacco, and reducing uncertain cask of oyl by the weight in tuns and gallons : and tables of exchange for the ready and exact computing of any sum of money remitted from England to Holland, Flanders, France, Spain and Italy, et contra : instructions for a methodical keeping of merchants accompts, by way of debtor and creditor, directing where to find examples in the journal to the several clauses in the several heads of trade : with a journal and leager [sic], and from the ballance of the leager is drawn up another inventory / |
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HB161 .C6
A manual of political economy |
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HB161 .C66 1698
Considerations humbly offered in relation to the East India trade |
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HB161.C69 1698
Some thoughts on the bill depending before the right honourable the House of Lords for prohibiting the exportation of the woolen manufactures of Ireland to foreign parts, humbly offer'd to their lordships. |
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HB161 .C73 1969
Public economy for the United States / |
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HB161 .C76
Lectures on the elements of political economy |
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HB161 .C76 1826i
Lectures on the elements of political economy |
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HB161 .C8
Summary of the practical principles of political economy with observations on Smith's Wealth of nations and Say's Political economy / |
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HB161 .C97
Tracts on sundry topics of political economy |
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HB161.E53 1698
An abstract of the acts for annuities with some observations thereupon |
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HB161.E53 O73 1643
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the leavying of moneys, by way of excise, or, New-import, as well for the better securing of trade, as for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament, and payment of the debts of the Common-wealth, wherein the said Lords and Commons have thought fit to alter the rates printed in a former ordinance, and to impose and lower charges upon the severall commodities herein expressed, as by a schedule hereunto annexed appeareth. |
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HB161 .E54 1587
By the Queene. : A proclamation for reforming of the deceipts in diminishing the value of the coines of gold currant within the Queenes Maiesties dominions, and for remedying the losses that might growe by receiuing thereof being diminished. |
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HB161 .E54 1661
Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting. Know ye that we out of our princely care, tending as well to the publike weal of our kingdoms, as the private commodity of our subjects, have diligently looked into and observed the great plenty of fish, wherewith the seas, estuaries or inlets, creeks ... doth abound; and how great profits unto our subjects, and increase of strength unto our sea forces, as well in times of war as peace, may from thence arise .. |
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HB161 .E54 1696
The act to encourage the bringing in plate to the mint to be coined, and for the further remedying the ill state of the coin of this kingdom, enacts. |
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HB161 .E54 2009
Elgar companion to Adam Smith / |
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