HB161 .G64 no. 11057
Reports to the Lords commissioners of police relative to the navigation of the rivers Forth, Gudie, and Devon, M.DCC.LXXIII. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11059
A report and survey of the canal, proposed to be made on one level, from Waltham-abbey to Moorfields : also a report and survey, of a line, which may be continued from Marybone to the said proposed canal, in case any future design of navigation to that place, or the north side of London, from the rivers Thames or Coln, should ever take place / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11059.1
Observations on the structure and draught of wheel-carriages / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11070
Observations on the present state of the parochial and vagrant poor. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11071
Serious considerations on various subjects of importance / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11071.3
A sermon on bankruptcy, stopping payment, and the justice of paying our debts : preached at various churches in the city / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11072
An address to the inhabitants of the British settlements in America, upon slave-keeping. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11076.1
Reglamento para el gobierno de la aduana de esta ciudad : y metodo de la recaudacion, y administracion de los Reales derechos de almoxarifazgo, y alcabala del Reyno del Peru : hecho en virtud de Reales ordenes de S.M. con adaptacion de los que se formaron para el Reyno de Mèxico, y Provincia de Goatemala / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11080
Candidus, or, All for the best / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11081
Almanach général des marchands, negocians, armateurs, et fabricans de la France et de l'Europe, et autres parties du monde : annee M.DCC.LXXIV : contenant l'état des principales villes commerçantes .. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11083
An essay on pvblic happiness : investigating the state of hvman nature, under each of its particular appearances, through the several periods of history, to the present times. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11090
Report from the committee appointed to inquire into the effects which the several premiums paid for flax-seed, imported and exported : the inland carriage, and carriage coastways of corn, meal, and flour, to Dublin ... / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11091
Justice and policy, an essay on the increasing growth and enormities of our great cities : shewing the breaches thereby occasioned in the constitution, and to place it upon a more firm basis, by uniting Ireland, instead of exchanging religion for trade, with a plan of an union,--the publication of which was deferred in the first part : also a descant on the present state of the nation ... addressed to a noble peer / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11092
An address to the artists and manufacturers of Great Britain : respecting an application to Parliament for the farther encouragement of new discoveries and inventions in the useful arts : to the facilitating future improvements in the produce, manufactures and commerce of these kingdoms : to which is added, an appendix, containing strictures on some singular consequences, attending the late decision on literary property / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11102
Principles of trade : fredom and protection are its best support : industry, the only means to render manufactures cheap : of coins, exchange, and bountys, particularly the bounty on corn / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11103.4
Tal, om näringarnes förhållande uti rikets särskilde lands-orter : hållet för Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien, vid praesidii nedläggande, den 4. augusti, 1773 / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11120.6
Estratto del piano di riforma dell' annona dello stato di Milano. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11120.9
Three tracts on the corn-trade and corn-laws ... : to which is added, a supplement, containing several papers and calculations, which tend to explain and confirm what is advanced in the foregoing tracts : reprinted from the edition of 1766. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11125
L'Art du bourrelier et du sellier / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 11128
The speech of a Scots weaver : dedicated to Richard Glover, Esq. |
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