Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB161 .G64 no. 12373 Remarks on the proposed laws for establishing a militia in Scotland / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12376 Lex mercatoria rediviva, or, The merchant's directory : being a complete guide to all men in business ... containing an account of our mercantile companies, of our colonies and factories abroad, of our commercial treaties with foreign powers, of the duty of consuls, and of the laws concerning aliens, naturalization, and denization : to which is added, a sketch of the present state of the commerce of the whole world ... with tables of the correspondence and agreement of their respective coins, weights, and measures / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12386 An history of Birmingham / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12387 Traité d'économie-politique, embrassant toutes ses branches, ou, Les intérets de la population, de l'agriculture, des arts, du commerce, de la navigation, des finances, de la justice, du militaire & de la politique, à concilier pour la richesse & prospérité de l'état & des citoyens : suite, annoncée, du Produit & droit des communes & autres biens ; ou dernière partie du traité, dédiée à la monarchie françoise, & présentée au roi en 1782 / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12393 Institutes, political and military Davy ... the original Persian transcribed from a ms. in the possession of Dr. William Hunter ... and the whole work published with a preface, indexes, geographical notes, &c., &c., by Joseph White ... 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12394.4 Itinéraire et guide des postes d'Italie : où l'on marque les frais de la route & la réduction de ses monnoies en celles de France : avec l'indication des curiosités de tous les endroits qui méritent qu'on s'y arrête .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12394.5 Briefe über die Schiffahrt und Handlung in Ungarn, Sklavonien und Kroatien : geschrieben auf einer Reise in diesen Ländern, in Jahr 1773 / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12400.2 Ausführliche Abhandlung von denen Bauergütern in Teutschland : sowohl überhaupt als auch drey und funfzig unterschiedene Arten derselben insonderheit alles aus ächten teuschen Alterthümern und Urkunden, auch neuen Landesordnungen und Lanhbriefen erläutert und bestärket : mit einer Vorrede von D. Franz Just. Kortholt und D. Justus Friedrich Runde. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12426 Kearsley's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, for the year 1784 : containing fifty-two ruled pages for receipts and payments, also spaces for memorandums for every day in the year ... and sundry other articles, for which we refer the reader to the table of contents. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12431.10 An address to the proprietors of East India stock. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12431.17 Memorie economico-politiche / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12431.20 A dissertation on the policy of grain : with a view to a plan for preventing scarcity, or exorbitant prices in the common markets of England / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12431.3 Grundriss einer Geschichte der merkwürdigsten Welthändel neuerer Zeit in einem erzählenden Vortrage / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12443 Review of the question concerning the government of the British possessions in India : with the heads of a plan proposed / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12450 A proposal for the liquidation of the national debt : the abolition of tithes, and the reform of the church revenue. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12456 State of the public debts, and of the annual interest and benefits paid for them : as they will stand on the 5th of January, 1783 : likewise, as they will stand (if the war continues) on the 5th of January, 1784 : to which the attention of the public is humbly requested, before they decide as to peace or war : together with some thoughts on the extent to which the state may be benefited by oeconomy, and a few reflections on the conduct and merit of the parties contending for power / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12501 Sammlung aller in dem souverainen Herzogthum Schlesien und der demselben incorporirten Graftschaft Glatz in finanz, policey, sachen &c : ergangenen und publicirten ordnungen, edicte, mandate, rescripte &c. : welche wahrender zeit der glorwurdigsten regierung Friedrichs II. Königs von Preussen ... herausgekommen sind : eilfter band fur das Jahr 1769. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12502 Hints, addressed to the public, : calculated to dispel the gloomy ideas which have been lately entertained of the state of our finances / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12508.2 A proposal for the liquidation of the national debt : the abolition of tithes, and the reform of the church revenue .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 12517 An address to the King and Parliament of Great-Britain, on preserving the lives of the inhabitants : to which are now added, Observations on the general bills of mortality / 1