HB161 .G64 no. 12336
Théorie de l'intéret de l'argent : tirée des vrais principes du droit naturel, de la théologie & de la politique, contre l'abus de l'imputation d'usure / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12337.2
Real cedula de S.M. y señores del Consejo, pro la qual se mandan observar las reglas que van insertas para las subscripciones que hagan los pueblos del reyno en el Banco Nacional, de sus caudales sobrantes de propios, arbitrios, encabezamientos, y de los pósitos. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338
The practical gager, or, The young gager's assistant : containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the Revenue of Excise : to which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing the utensils of victuallers, common brewers, and distillers ... / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.10
Junius Secundus's letters to the people of Ireland, against the establishment of a national bank. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.14
La richesse du Languedoc, ou, Plan d'un mont-de-piété : qui prêteroit sans intérêt en faveur de l'agriculture dans toute l'étendue de la province de ce nom ; destiné à être présenté à l'assemblée des États-Généraux de la même province. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.15
Il corso delle monete seguito negli stati di S.S.R.M. il re di Sardegna di qua dal mare, e particolarmente nel Piemonte dal 1300 sino al presente : appoggiato agli editti, e manifesti camerali di tempolin tempo emanati, ed arricchito di note riguardanti il peso, e bonta delle medesime, e di molte altre particolari notizie, e cognizioni / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.16
Kongl. Maj:ts taxa : hwarefter stora siö-tullen uppä alla inkommande waror, beräknas och erlägges : gifwen Gripsholms slott den 6 junii 1782. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.2
Cahier aus meinem Portefeuille Lit. G : Lecture von 1781 : Finanz-Sachen : Compte rendu au roi, Fabricius von der Volksvermehrung, Ueber die itzige Cameralverwaltung in Frankreich, Den Danske Oversättelse af Compte rendu. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12338.9
Kurze Geschichte der Abgaben : besonders der Consumtions- und Handels-Abgaben in Sachsen : nebst ihrer Wirkung auf die Preise der Waaren und Lebensmittel. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12344
Observations on education in general, but particularly on naval education : with a plan of a naval academy, at Ormond House, Paradise-Row, Chelsea, for qualifying young gentlemen for the Royal Navy / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12349
Proposals and remarks for the improvement of the city-militia : and for watch and ward. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12351.6
Reglamento formado para el Monte Pio de los Abogados del Real Colegio de la Ciudad de Zaragoza : destinado a la asistencia, y socorro de los mismos abogados, y el de sus viudas, y huerfanos : erigido con aprobacion del Real Consejo de Castilla. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12356
A hint to a patriot parliament. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12358
The principles of government : in a dialogue between a scholar and a peasant / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12360
A political catechism. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12361
A political catechism : intended to convey, in a familiar manner, just ideas of good civil government, and the British constitution / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12362
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inégalité parmi les hommes / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12363
The claims of the people of England ... |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12363.1
Lucubrations during a short recess / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 12367
Histoire des progrès de la puissance navale de l'Angleterre : suivie d'observations sur l'Acte de navigation, & de pieces justificatives .. |
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