Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB161 .G64 no. 14941.49 Supplément aux Observations sur les finances et sur les assignats. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14941.54 The income and expenditure of Great-Britain of the last seven years, examined and stated / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14941.55 Tableau alphabétique du tarif des droits d'enregistrement, suivant les noms des actes, titres et jugemens qui y sont sujets. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14941.6 Observations préliminaires de M. Bergasse ... : sur l'état des finances publié par M. de Montesquiou, et adopté par l'Assemblée nationale .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14941.7 Réplique de M. Bergasse a M. de Montesquiou : suivie de l'examen de la valeur des biens nationaux, du montant de la dette exigible, & de l'hypotheque des assignats. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14961 A treatise of universal inland navigations, and the use of all sorts of mines : a work entirely new : recommended to the inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland : plainly demonstrating the possibility of making any river and stream of running water in the world navigable ... : together with the construction, explanation, and use, of a new invented ... machine, for inland navigation ... / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14963 Mémoire relatif aux ouvrages qu'il est urgent de faire pour la facilité et sureté de la navigation à l'embouchure du Rhône ... 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14963.6 Observations sur le projet de décret concernant la jonction du Rhône au Rhin, par celle du Doubs à l'Ill ... 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14965 Remarks on the practice and effect of imprisonment for debt, and clauses proposed to be inserted in a bill for the security of creditors and the amendment of the law, touching the imprisonment of debtors who are insolvent, without their wilful default. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14970 General regulations for the government of the new goal, at Ipswich, for the county of Suffolk : as drawn out at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held by adjournment on the first day of July 1791. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14973.1 The office of constable : being an entirely new compendium of the law concerning that ancient minister for the conservation of the peace : carefully compiled from the best authorities : with a preface and an introduction, containing some account of the origin and antiquity of the office. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14975.1 Instrucción, dispuesta de orden del Consejo, y aprobada por S.M. de las reglas que deben observarse para la reedificación de las casas arruinadas en la Plaza mayor, con motivo del incendio ocurrido la noche del dia diez y seis de agosto de mil setecientos y noventa. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14975.2 Instrucción, que el Rey ha mandado expedir por la Secretarìa del Despacho universal de la Guerra, para que persigan, y recojan las justicias todos los bagabundos, y mal-entretenidos, y se apliquen à la tropa, y reales arsenales, en consequencia de lo que està prevenido por leyes del Reyno, con el fin de establecer la quietud en los pueblos, y seguridad en los caminos. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14976 Lord Loughborough's charge to the Grand Jury of Wilts, at the late assizes at Salibury, August 6, 1791. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14977.2 An Historical treatise on the laws for the relief and management of the poor : containing an abstract of the statute 22d George III, with illustrations, calculated to shew the expediency of establishing houses of industry. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14988 Remarkable extracts and observations on the slave trade, with some considerations on the consumption of West India produce. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14990 Observations on the project for abolishing the slave trade, and on the reasonableness of attempting some practicable mode of relieving the Negroes / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14991 Unto the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled, the petition of the Synod of Merse and Tiviotdale ... 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14992 Observations on the evidence given before the committees of the Privy Council and House of Commons in support of the bill for abolishing the slave trade. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 14993 Reflections on the slave trade : with remarks on the policy of its abolition : in a letter to a clergyman in the county of Suffolk / 1