Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB161 .G64 no. 15624 The right in the West-India merchants to a double monopoly of the sugar market of Great Britain : and the expedience of all monopolies examined .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15625 A short history of the East India Company : exhibiting a state of their affairs, abroad and at home, political and commercial : the nature and magnitude of their commerce, and its relative connection with the government and revenues of India : also remarks on the danger and impolicy of innovation, and the practical means of ensuring all the good effects of a free trade to the manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland, by matter of regulation, without disturbing the established system. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15626 A short history of the East India Company : exhibiting a state of their affairs, abroad and at home, political and commercial : the nature and magnitude of their commerce, and its relative connection with the government and revenues of India : and a discussion on the question of right to the conquered territories in India : also remarks on the danger and impolicy of innovation, and the practical means of ensuring all the good effects of a free trade to the manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland, by matter of regulation, without disturbing the established system / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15627 Translation of Her Imperial Majesty's decree of the 14th of April, 1793, published by order of the Directorial Senate : the decree under Her Imperial Majesty's royal sign manual, directed to the Senate of the 8th of this present month of April .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15629 Reflections on the propriety of an immediate conclusion of peace. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15630.2 Confronto della ricchezza dei paesi che godono liberta ̀nel commercio frumentario con quella dei paesi vincolati prendendo per esempio la Toscana : che in meno di trenta anni si è trovata in tre stati nei vincoli antichi nella liberta ̀illimitata e nei vincoli nuovi. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15631 Jeremy Bentham to the National Convention of France. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15646 A protest against law taxes : shewing the peculiar mischievousness of all such impositions as add to the expence of an appeal to justice / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15647 Beyerlé-Philalète aux véritables amis de la liberté : observations philosophiques et politiques sur les monnoies d'or et d'argent. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15649 Observations sur le rapport et le projet de décret relatif à un nouveau système monétaire, présentés à la Convention nationale par le citoyen Loysel, au nom du Comité des finances / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15701 Collection de proces-verbaux des signes caractéristiques auxquels on peut reconnoître la falsification d'assignats de 2000 livres, de 500 livres, de 300 livres, de 200 livres et de 5 livres, suivant leur création. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15704 Procès-verbal des signes caractéristiques auxquels on peut reconnoître la falsification d'assignats de 25 livres de la création du 16 décembre 1791. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15713 Considerations on the utility of the national debt : and on the alarming crisis : with a short plan of a mode of relief and an explanation of the solid inherent grounds of great national prosperity that exist in this country / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15714 Réponse du Directeur-Général des assignats aux dénonciations contre lui. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15715 An historical account of English money from the Conquest to the present time : including those of Scotland from the accession of James I to the union of the two kingdoms : illustrated with copper plates and tables of gold and silver money / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15725 Reflections on the causes which have produced the present distress in commercial credit : with suggestions relative to the means of remedying the evil in future and of granting immediate and effectual relief to the merchants and manufacturers. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15726 Reflections on usury, as conducted by the mode of under-valued annuities : with an appendix, containing the outlines of a bill calculated to remove the bad effects of them and check their future progress. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15727 Thoughts on the causes of the present failures. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15728 Thoughts on the causes of the present failures. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 15731 The practical gager, or, The young gager's assistant : containing those things ... absolutely necessary to be ... understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the revenue of excise : to which are added all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing utensils of victuallers, common brewers and distillers ... / 1