HB161 .G64 no. 18651.6
Ist die sächsische Wollmanufaktur ihrem Verderben nahe? : beantwortet in Hinsicht auf die seit dem Jahre 1583 erschienenen Landesgesetze und die im Sörgel'schen Memorial an Sr. Chufürstl. Durchl. zu Sachsen enthaltenen Behauptungen. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 18727
Improved interest tables, at five per cent. for every day of the year : which shew the interest at one reference on each sum ... : also, tables for calculating commissions on the sale of goods ... : to which is prefixed a table of compound interest, from one year to fifty : with a table of salaries, wages, &c. / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 18732.31
De l'usure |
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HB161 .G64 no. 18816.2
Freimüthige Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Polizei und Staatswirthschaft als Fortsezung der Materialen für angehende praktische Staatsbeamten. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 18908.7
Opinion de Labrouste (de la Gironde) : sur le projet de loi relatif aux finances : séance du 3 ventôse an 12. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 18910
Mémoire et discussion sur les moyens de rendre le Doubs navigable, pour opérer la jonction du Rhône au Rhin, suivant le projet imprimé en mars 1792 : avec application à plusieurs autres rivières, ou système de navigation fluviale / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19038.11
A mineralogical description of the county of Dumfries / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19038.15
Mémoire sur la suppression des jachères : et sur le meilleur mode d'assolement a introduire dans les Hautes-Alpes / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19055.3
The philosophical principles of the science of brewing : containing theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19055.4
Rapport sur les jurandes et maîtrises : et sur un projet de statuts et règlemens pour MM. les Marchands de vin de Paris .. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19092
Observations on the duty on property, &c / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19095
Les recettes extérieures / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19115
Demostracion histórica del verdadero valor de todas las monedas que corrian en Castilla durante el reynado del Señor Don Enrique IV, y de su correspondencia con las del Señor D. Cárlos IV : con un apéndice de instrumentos que justifican el valor de las mismas, noticia de los precios de los granos, carnes, pescados, jornales de labradores y artistas en aquel tiempo, y su equivalencia á las monedas actuales, y algunos otros documentos útiles y curiosos / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19222.9
Précis historique sur la manufacture d'étoffes de soie de la ville de Lyon : lu à la séance générale de la Société des Amis du Commerce et des Arts, du 18 Juillet 1806 / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19238
The speech of the Hon. J. Randolph, representative for the state of Virginia, in the General congress of America : on a motion for the non-importation of British merchandize, pending the present disputes between Great Britain and America : with an introduction by the author of "War in disguise." |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19244.5
Belligerent rights asserted and vindicated against neutral encroachments : being an answer to An examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade not open in time of peace. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19256.2
A comparative statement of the two bills, for the better government of the British possessions in India, brought into Parliament by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt : with explanatory observations / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19283.19
The substance of the speech of the Right Hon. Lord Henry Petty, chancellor of the exchequer : May 21, 1806, on a motion for leave to bring in a bill, to provide for the more effectual examination of the public accounts, and for the better discovery of frauds. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19332.10
On the residence of the clergy in England, and holding of farms : an abstract of the 43d of George III cap. 84. with observations, forms of petitions for licences and notifications. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 19377.10
The publican's sure guide, or, Every man his own cellarman : containing directions of the greatest importance to their welfare, and to the comfort and satisfaction of the community at large / |
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