Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB161 .G64 no. 7890 Ichnographia rustica, or, The nobleman, gentleman, and gardener's recreation : containing directions for the surveying and distributing of a country-scat into rural and extensive gardens, by the ornamenting and decoration of distant prospects, farms, parks, paddocks, &c. Originally calculated ... for the embellishment of countries in general; as also for an introduction to a general system of agriculture and planting. Illustrated with above fifty copper plates ... / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7894 An imitation of a model for water-works : contrived after the nearest manner to save friction, and likewise be made capable of draining the deepest mine and greatest quantity of water that was ever done by any other engine. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7897 A short account of the late application of Parliament : made by the merchants of London upon the neglect of their trade : with the substance of the evidence thereupon / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7908 A journey through Russia into Persia : by two English gentlemen, who went in the year 1739, from Petersburg, in order to make a discovery how the trade from Great Britain might be carried on from Astracan over the Caspian : to which is annex'd, a summary account of the rise of the famous Kouli Kan, and his successes, till he seated himself on the Persian throne. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7910 Theorica y practica de comercio, y de marina : en diferentes discursos, y calificados exemplares, que con especificas providencias, se procuran adaptar a la monarchia espaƱola, para su prompta restauracion ... / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7911 A proper answer to the by-stander : wherein is shewn I. That there is no necessity for, but infallible ruin in the maintenance of a large regular (or mercenary) land force in this island. II. That by keeping up a standing army for preventing an invasion, we shall at last render it certain and successful. III. That publick credit is now upon a more stable foundation than ever it was before the year 1734, and can be ruined by nothing but bad oeconomy, temporary expedients, and loss of trade. IV. That endeavouring to revive parties or factions long since extinquished, in order to divert the attention of the people from the present mischiefs or dangers, is a most wicked attempt. And V. That the weight of political power is now taken almost entirely from the popular and thrown into the regal scale. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7929 The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered : shewing the common fees demanded for performing any office of the Church, (as christening, marrying, burying the dead, &c.) are contrary to law : with a touch upon divers clerical and parochial errors, that are crept into the church, and the opinion of Mr. Strange (then sollicitor general to His Majesty) on a case here stated / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7930 The doctrine of annuities and reversions : deduced from general and evident principles, with useful tables shewing the values of single and joint lives, &c., at different rates of interest : to which is added, a method of investigating the value of annuities by approximation, without the help of tables : the whole explain'd in a plain and simple manner, and illustrated by great variety of examples / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7933.4 A scheme for utterly abolishing the present heavy and vexatious tax of tithe : in a letter to a member of Parliament. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7946 Miscellaneous thoughts on the present posture both of our foreign and domestic affairs : humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Parliament and the people .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7951 An impartial review of the opposition, and the conduct of the late minister since his secession : with an enquiry whether Britain is likely to be better for the change of the ministry, and in what manner ... the deplorable situation of trade at present, a true state of the national debt, as attested from the Exchequer ... / 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7962 The history and present state of the British islands : describing their respective situations, buildings, customs, ... and more particularly of the county of Middlesex, and city of London, shewing the antient as well as present state of that metropolis, and remarks on the several great trading companies, and on their foreign trade to all parts of the world : adorn'd with maps and cuts : in two volumes .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7963 Voyages de Monsr. Shaw, M.D : dans plusieurs provinces de la Barbarie et du Levant : contenant des observations geographiques, physiques, philologiques et melees sur les royaumes d' alger et de tunis, sur la Syrie, l'Egypte et l'Arabie Petree : avec des cartes et des figures : traduits de l'Anglois .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7978.3 Act of Sederunt of the Lords of Council and Session : relative to the Act of Magistrates and Council of the city of Edinburgh Regulating the Assize and Weight of Bread. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7995 Remarks on the imposts of the clergy : with a general account of the affairs of the church of France, and a state of the several taxes laid upon them in the year 1742 : to which is added, the new regulation of the tax for arming and cloathing the militia. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7996 The ruin of thousands, the triumph of one, or, England's great v------ : a dialogue between Robin the cashier, and Robin the premier, concluding with the groans of the South-Sea sufferers .. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7997 Some thoughts on the interest of money in general, and particularly in the publick funds : with reasons for fixing the same at a lower rate, in both instances, with regard especially to the landholders. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 7999.5 A state of the establishment, and other charges of government, for two years : the civil list ending the 25th, and the military the 31st of March, 1743 : together with the payments made by the vice-treasurers, and the arrear remaining unsatisfied. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 8001 The present state of Westminster Bridge : containing a description of the said bridge, as it has been ordered into execution by the right honourable, &c., the commissioners appointed by Parliament, and is now carrying on : with a true account of the time already employed in the building, and of the works which are now done : in a letter to a friend. 1
HB161 .G64 no. 8003 The relative duty of creditors and debtors considered : shewing, the indispensable obligation debtors are under to make the utmost restitution to their creditors; and proposing some arguments and reasons for the gentleness and compassion of creditors towards insolvent debtors : with some objections answered, and cases relating to this subject stated and cleared : in a sermon preached in the chappel of the Fleet Prison, Jan. 23, 1742-3 .. 1