HB161 .G64 no. 7997
Some thoughts on the interest of money in general, and particularly in the publick funds : with reasons for fixing the same at a lower rate, in both instances, with regard especially to the landholders. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 7999.5
A state of the establishment, and other charges of government, for two years : the civil list ending the 25th, and the military the 31st of March, 1743 : together with the payments made by the vice-treasurers, and the arrear remaining unsatisfied. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8001
The present state of Westminster Bridge : containing a description of the said bridge, as it has been ordered into execution by the right honourable, &c., the commissioners appointed by Parliament, and is now carrying on : with a true account of the time already employed in the building, and of the works which are now done : in a letter to a friend. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8003
The relative duty of creditors and debtors considered : shewing, the indispensable obligation debtors are under to make the utmost restitution to their creditors; and proposing some arguments and reasons for the gentleness and compassion of creditors towards insolvent debtors : with some objections answered, and cases relating to this subject stated and cleared : in a sermon preached in the chappel of the Fleet Prison, Jan. 23, 1742-3 .. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8017
The question stated with regard to our army in Flanders : and the arguments for and against this measure compared .. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8018
Lettres et négociations de M. van Hoey, ambassadeur à la cour de France : pour servir à l'histoire de la vie du Cardinal de Fleury .. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8019
A key to the present politicks of the principal powers of Europe : giving a succinct view of their conduct for many years past, and fully shewing their present views and measures, and the tendency of them : translated from the original lately published at Amsterdam. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8027
A review of the whole political conduct of a late eminent patriot : and his friends, for twenty years last past : in which is contained, a complete history of the late opposition, and a full answer to a pamphlet, entitled, Faction detected by the evidence of facts, &c. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8036
A new, easy, and infallible method for improving estates thirty per cent. per annum, without toil, trouble, or charge : dedicated to the landholders of the British dominions, but more especially those of the British Parliament : to which are added, two very curious letters, wrote to the Honourable House of Commons, the first sessions of this Parliament, on two of the most important subjects in the world, trade and interest of money ... in which is also contained a scheme for preventing that great scandal to human nature, robbing, thieving, and begging, &c. / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8058
The importance of effectually supporting the Royal African Company of England impartially consider'd : shewing, that a free and open trade to Africa, and the support and preservation of the British colonies and plantations in America, depend upon maintaining the forts and settlements, rights and privileges belonging to that corporation, against the encroachments of the French, and all other foreign rivals in that trade : with a map, shewing the situation of the several European forts and settlements in that country : in a letter to a member of the House of Commons. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8059
Tracts upon our wool, and woollen trade : wherein are consider'd the Irish produce and disposal of it : advantages by preventing the running of wool : the present advanc'd price accounted for : yearly produce : home consumption : penalties and rewards in cases of informations : regulations of a former scheme ... with considerations on Mr. Gee's Impartial enquiry : wherein, of the growth, running, manufacturing, and vent of wool, and a reply to his letter / |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8062
Reasons against the bill now depending in Parliament : intituled, A Bill for inlarging and regulating the trade to the Levant Seas. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8063
Short reasons in behalf of the Levant Company. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8066
A serious address to the proprietors of the publick funds : occasion'd by several late schemes for reducing their interest, or subjecting them to taxes, in which the rights of publick creditors are explained and asserted : their just claim, from the principles of reason, rules of law ... and concluded by a rational proposal for strengthening their security and for the better support of publick credit. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8083
Reasons against laying an additional duty on Muscovada sugar : and more particularly against levying it by an excise on refined sugar. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8084
Reasons against laying any further duty upon sugar. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8087
A short view of the frauds, abuses, and impositions of parish officers : with some considerations on the laws relating to the poor shewing how the deficiencies therein might be remedied, by fixing a qualification for the choice of churchwardens and overseers by limiting the sums to be raised by their rates and by bringing them to account properly for the monies that come into their hands. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8119
The instructions sent by the regency of Hanover to the privy-counsellor De Busch, electoral minister of the King of Great-Britain at the court of Dresden : together with a letter from an Hanoverian minister to a member of the Parliament of Great-Britain, containing a justification of the Hanoverians, and his sentiments on the present critical conjuncture of affairs. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8126
An impartial journal, of what passed between Admiral Matthews, and the combined fleets of France and Spain, the 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Feb. 1743-4 : to which is added, a list of the fleets on each side, their number of men, guns, &c. |
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HB161 .G64 no. 8128.2
Siris : a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water, and divers other subjects connected together and arising one from another / |
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