Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB171.5 .P56 1966 The economic problem in outline / 1
HB171.5 .P579 Micro-theory and economic choices / 2
HB171.5 .P843 2009eb Volkswirtschaftslehre für Betriebswirte : bachelor, Basiswissen / 1
HB171.5 .P974 2001 Dollars and change : economics in context / 1
HB171.5 .Q55 Intermediate microeconomics / 2
HB171.5 .R16 Theory of microeconomics. 1
HB171.5 .R38 1966 Economics : a general introduction / 1
HB171.5 .R393 1976 Macroeconomics : analysis and policy / 1
HB171.5 .R399 1986 Contemporary economics : a unifying approach / 1
HB171.5 .R42 2013 Economic Theory. 1
HB171.5 .R53 2003eb Economic theory / 1
HB171.5 .R63 1921a Economics for executives : a series of study-units and an accompanying service which together constitute an interpretation of the underlying principles of economics and business for men and women in practical life / 1
HB171.5 .R67 1961 Exercises in economic analysis. 1
HB171.5 .R673 An introduction to modern economics / 1
HB171.5 .R73 1996 Introduction to economic reasoning / 2
HB171.5 .R75 Elements of economic theory / 1
HB171.5 .R7738 2018 Broadway and economics : economic lessons from show tunes / 1
HB171.5 .R777 Intermediate macroeconomics: output, inflation, and growth
Intermediate macroeconomics : output, inflation, and growth /
HB171.5 .R78 Output, inflation and growth : an introduction to macroeconomics / 1
HB171.5 .R8 Principles of economics. 1