Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HB180.J3 T33 | Shintaisei no keizai / | 1 |
HB180.J3 T75 1964 | Keizaigaku wa muzukashikunai / | 1 |
HB180.J3 Y638 2014 | Yoshimoto Takaaki no keizaigaku / | 1 |
HB183 ebook | Siempre pagamos los mismos / | 1 |
HB195 |
Economic phenomena before & after war : a statistical theory of modern wars / Markets and conflict : economics of war and peace / Conflict and development / War and State Making The Shaping of the Global Powers / The economics of conflict : theory and empirical evidence / International business and security : geostrategy in perspective / War in economic theories over time assessing the true economic, social and political costs / How states pay for wars / The economics of international security : great power politics from Afghanistan to Ukraine / The Economics of Regional Security : NATO, the Mediterranean and Southern Africa / Enterprise risk management : a guide for government professionals / An Economic Analysis of Conflicts With an Application to the Greek Civil War 1946-1949 / Economists at war : how a handful of economists helped win and lose the World Wars / |
13 |
HB195 .A455 2016eb | Wars and Capital. | 1 |
HB195 .A54 1936i | Raw materials, population pressure and war | 1 |
HB195 .A549 2019 | Principles of conflict economics : the political economy of war, terrorism, genocide, and peace / | 2 |
HB195 .A55 | Raw materials, population pressure and war. | 1 |
HB195 .A55 2020 | War in economic theories over time : assessing the true economic, social and political costs / | 1 |
HB195 .A95 2012 | Foreign powers and intervention in armed conflicts / | 1 |
HB195 .A95 2012eb | Foreign powers and intervention in armed conflicts / | 1 |
HB195 .B3 | The economic causes of modern war : a study of the period: 1878-1918 / | 1 |
HB195 .B33 | Rich nations and poor in peace and war : continuity and change in the development hierarchy of seventy nations from 1913 through 1952. | 1 |
HB195 .B35 1900z | Taking the profits out of war : a program for industrial mobilization. | 1 |
HB195 .B373 2021 | The new economic warfare / | 1 |
HB195 .B69 2008eb | Castles, battles, & bombs : how economics explains military history / | 1 |
HB195 .B8 1984 | War is a racket / | 1 |
HB195 .B8 2003 | War is a racket : the antiwar classic by America's most decorated General, two other anti-interventionist tracts, and photographs from The Horror of it / | 1 |
HB195 .B8 2003eb |