Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB2512.7.A3 S48 2011 Settlement, urbanization, and population / 1
HB2516.5 .P67 1989 Population growth and poverty in rural South Asia / 1
HB2519 .I535 2008 India : rural governments and service delivery / 1
HB2519 .W478 2002 West and Central India, human development report / 1
HB2520.6.A3 A39 1984 Agricultural stagnation under population pressure : the case of Bangladesh / 1
HB2541.7.A3 K44 1982 Population and development in rural Egypt / 3
HB2581 Rethinking career studies : facilitating conversation across boundaries with the social chronology framework / 1
HB2581 .G37 1996 La piazza universale di tutte le professioni del mondo / 1
HB2581 .G537 2017 Organizational Careers : a Sourcebook for Theory. 1
HB2581 .G58 Organizational careers : a sourcebook for theory / 1
HB2581 .H33 Occupations and the social structure
Occupations and the social structure /
HB2581 .I63 2012 International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08) : Structure, Group Definitions and Correspondence Tables. 1
HB2581 .K7 Die internationale classificierung der berufsarten : Bemerkungen zu den vorschlägen Dr. Bertillon's, eine einheitliche nomenclatur der berufsarten betreffend / 1
HB2581 .O33 1954 Occupations and industries in the Mountain states : Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming / 1
HB2581 .P3 1953 Revised Minnesota occupational rating scales / 1
HB2581 .S73 Vocabulario de ocupaciones. 1
HB2581 .U55 1943 Dictionary of occupational titles. Supplement / 1
HB2582 .L44 2002 HISCO : Historical international standard classification of occupations / 1
HB2582 .S73 Vocabulario de ocupaciones. 1
HB2583 Extended working life policies international gender and health perspectives / 2