Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB3595 .K53 1988eb Demographic Behavior in the Past : a Study of Fourteen German Village Populations in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / 1
HB3595 .K75 2023 Das vermessene Volk : Nationalitätenstatistik und Bevölkerungspolitik in Deutschlands östlichen Grenzländern 1860-1945 / 1
HB3595 .M28 1984 Bevölkerungsgeschichte Deutschlands im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / 1
HB3595 .M3 After seven years. : [World War 2 refugees in Germany and Austria today. 1
HB3595 .S5 Sieg der Waffen--Sieg des Kindes / 1
HB3596.5.A3 A39 1979 Probleme der demographischen Entwicklung : Probleme der demographischen Entwicklung bei der weiteren Gestaltung der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft in der DDR / 1
HB3597 Post-war eugenics, reproductive choices and population policies in Greece 1950s-1980s / 1
HB3599 Italian manpower, 225 B.C.-A.D. 14 / 1
HB3599 .B4 Bevölkerungsgeschichte Italiens. 1
HB3599 .B77 Italian manpower, 225 B.C.-A.D. 14
Italian manpower, 225 B.C.-A.D. 14 /
HB3599 .I67 1996 Dictating Demography : the Problem of Population in Fascist Italy / 1
HB3599 .I67 1996eb Dictating demography : the problem of population in fascist Italy / 1
HB3599 .L485 2012 Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers : Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC-AD 100 /
Peasants, citizens and soldiers : studies in the demographic history of Roman Italy 225 BC-AD 100 /
HB3599 .L485 2012eb Peasants, citizens and soldiers : studies in the demographic history of Roman Italy 225 BC-AD 100 / 1
HB3599 .Q46 1996 Population politics in twentieth-century Europe : fascist dictatorships and liberal democracies / 1
HB3599 .Q46 1996eb Population politics in twentieth-century Europe : fascist dictatorships and liberal democracies / 1
HB3599 .Q46 1996eb HB3599 Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe : Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies. 1
HB3599 .S342 1993 Scritti di demografia storica / 1
HB3600.B6 D47 1990 La "Descriptio civitatis Bononie eiusque comitatus" del cardinale Anglico (1371) / 1
HB3600.B6 P56 1996 Città medievali e demografia storica : Bologna, Romagna, Italia : secc. 13.-15 / 1