Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB3717 .M384 2013 Russia. 1
HB3717 .P384 1999 The Panic of 1857 and the Coming of the Civil War. 1
HB3717 .P384 2013eb The Great Eurozone Disaster : From Crisis to Global New Deal. 1
HB3717 .T39 2016eb Policy stability and economic growth : lessons from the great recession / 1
HB3717 .T677 2009 ¿El final de la cirsis? / 1
HB3717.1857 .E8 The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-58 and the stock exchange panic of 1859 / 1
HB3717.2008 A97 2017 The Austerity State /
The austerity state /
HB3718 .E27 2021eb Economic cycles and social movements : past, present and future / 1
HB3718 .R46 2023 The age of discontent populism, extremism, and conspiracy theories in contemporary democracies / 1
HB3719 .H3 Costs and profits : their relation to business cycles / 1
HB3719 .H8 Cost, prices, and profits : their cyclical relations / 1
HB3719. .W55 1953 Dollars to doughnuts : profits of U.S. industry / 1
HB3720 .C3 The Canadian trade and investment guide. 1
HB3720 .C68 1996 Investment cycles in capitalist economies : a Kaleckian behavioural contribution / 1
HB3720 .O67 2020 The long good buy : analysing cycles in markets / 1
HB3721 .B55 Underconsumption theories : a history and critical analysis / 2
HB3721 .M5 Price-quantity interactions in business cycles / 1
HB3722 Financial stability : fraud, confidence and the wealth of nations /
A century of global economic crises : monetary policy in search of an anchor /
Narrating the Global Financial Crisis : Urban Imaginaries and the Politics of Myth /
History of financial disasters, 1763-1995.
Latin America after the financial crisis : economic ramifications from heterodox perspectives /
Risikoethik der Banken Große Banken, systemische Risiken und globale Finanzkrisen als Herausforderungen einer modernen Ethik des Risikos.
Crisi economica e trasformazioni della dimensione giuridica /
Framing the global economic downturn : crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions /
The media and financial crises : comparative and historical perspectives /
The global economic crisis : new perspectives on the critique of economic theory and policy /
Innovations lead to economic crises explaining the bubble economy /
Seven crashes : the economic crises that shaped globalization /
Price and financial stability : rethinking financial markets /
American Hegemony after the Great Recession : a Transformation in World Order /
Foucault and post-financial crises : governmentality, discipline and resistance /
The next financial crisis and how to save capitalism /
Währung - Krise - Emotion : Kollektive Wahrnehmungsweisen von Wirtschaftskrisen /
Normalidad de la crisis/Crisis de la normalidad
The systemic nature of the economic crisis : the perspectives of heterodox economics and psychoanalysis /
States of crisis and post-capitalist scenarios /
Financial crises : understanding the postwar U.S. experience /
Dirty money : on financial delinquency /
Crisis spaces : structures, struggles and solidarity in Southern Europe /
Financial dynamics and business cycles : new perspectives /
The business of pandemics : the COVID-19 story /
Crisi economico- finanziaria e intervento dello Stato : modelli comparati e prospettive : atti del convegno dell'Associazione di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo., Firenze, 18 novembre 2011 /
HBR's 10 must reads on managing in a downturn.
The First Credit Market Turmoil Of The 21St Century : Implications For Public Policy.
Student lives in crisis : Deepening inequality in times of austerity.
What caused the financial crisis /
The financial crisis : issues in business, finance and global economics /
Confronting finance : mobilizing the 99 per cent for economic and social progress /
Economic growth and the nanotechnology priority : the challenge of economic crisis and industrial concentration /
Crisi economico-finanziaria e intervento dello Stato /
European response to the financial crisis /
Remembering and learning from financial crises /
The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and the Single Resolution Mechanism : Preadviezen/Reports 2014.
The social reality of Europe after the crisis : trends, challenges and responses /
Economic crisis : explanation & policy options /
The EU's neighbouring economies coping with new challenges /
Aftermath : the cultures of the economic crisis /
Ethical reflections on the financial crisis 2007/2008 : making use of Smith, Musgrave and Rajan /
La vulnerabilidad financiera en las economías emergentes de Asia Oriental y América Latina tras la crisis de los noventa /
La integración financiera como mecanismo de prevención de crisis en América Latina y Asia Oriental /
Explaining Financial Crises A Cyclical Approach /
Coping with financial crises some lessons from economic history /
The Illusion of Control : Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do about It /
Dynamics of Financial Stress and Economic Performance : Insights and Analysis from the World Economy /
If Greece goes /
The age of global economic crises : (1929-2022) /
Why bank panics matter : cross-disciplinary economic theory /
The role of crises in shaping financial systems : from the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19 /
Black swan : economic crises.
Crises of global economies and the future of capitalism : reviving Marxian crisis theory /
Managing economic crisis in East Asia /
The global debt crisis and its socioeconomic implications creating conditions for a sustainable, peaceful, and just world /
The global financial crisis : from US subprime mortgages to European sovereign debt /
Tiempos de crisis sistemica: el capitalismo contemporaneo una lectura sociohistorica.
Bubbles and machines : gender, information and financial crises /
The capacity of welfare regimes to absorb macro-economic shocks.
Switched on /
Modern financial crises : Argentina, United States and Europe /
Financial crisis, bank behaviour and credit crunch /
Knowledge capture in financial regulation : data-, information- and knowledge-asymmetries in the US financial crisis /
Crisis and Sequels : Capitalism and the New Economic Turmoil Since 2007.
Financial crisis management and democracy : lessons from Europe and Latin America /
The history of financial disasters, 1763-1995.
HB3722 .456 2008 The Finance Crisis and Rescue : What Went Wrong? Why? What Lessons Can Be Learned? 1
HB3722 .A197 1997 97-nen Ajia tsūka kiki : Higashi Ajia kyūkakoku chiiki ni okeru haikei to eikyō o bunseki suru / 1