Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB551 .G45 2013eb Beggar thy neighbor : a history of usury and debt / 2
HB551 .H379 1996 Feeding the Baniya : peasants and usurers in Western India / 1
HB551 .H39 2010 The culture of usury in Renaissance England / 1
HB551 .H39 2010eb The culture of usury in Renaissance England 1
HB551 (INTERNET) A short appendix to a late treatise concerning abatement of usury
The charity of lending without vsury, and the true notion of vsury briefly stated in a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, at St. Bridget's Church, on Tuesday in Easter-week, 1692 /
A general discourse against the damnable sect of vsurers grounded vppon the vvorde of God, and confirmed by the auctoritie of doctors both auncient, and newe ; necessarie for all tymes, but most profitable for these later daies, in which, charitie being banished, couetousnes hath gotten the vpper hande. VVhereunto is annexed another godlie treatise concernyng the lawfull vse of ritches. Seene and allowed accordyng to her Maiesties iniunctions.
A tract against vsurie Presented to the High Court of Parliament.
A short and priuate discourse betweene Mr. Bolton and one M.S. concerning vsury
The speculation of vsurie
Quæstio quodlibetica, or, A discourse whether it may bee lawfull to take use for money
A discourse vppon vsurye by vvaye of dialogue and oracions, for the better varietye, and more delite of all those, that shall reade thys treatise /
The advantages which will manifestly accrue to this kingdom by abatement of interest from six to four per. cent
HB551 .L36 1984 The Aristotelian analysis of usury / 1
HB551 .O23 1834i Usury, funds, and banks also forestalling traffick, and monopoly, likewise pew rent, and grave tax, together with burking, and dissecting, as well as the Gallican liberties, are all repugnant to the divine and ecclesiastical laws, and destructive to civil society. 1
HB551 .R3 A letter to a friend concerning usury wherein are mentioned all the arguments formerly written for and against the abatement of interest / 2
HB551 .T84 Improbus foeneratorum spiritus variis tormentis exercitatas, siue, Tractatus de usurariorum statu calamitoso 1
HB551 .U78 Usury stated being a reply to Mr. Jelinger's Usurer cast whereto are adjoyned, some animadversions on Mr. Bolton's and Mr. Capel's discourses, concerning the same subject / 2
HB583.5 .P74 1994 El precio de la modernización : formas y retos del cambio de valores en la España de hoy / 1
HB601 The Dynamics of company profits : an international comparison /
The distribution and redistribution of income : a mathematical analysis /
Rate of profit, distribution and growth : two views /
Beyond earnings : applying the HOLT CFROI and economic profit framework /
Combining purpose with profits /
HB601 .A46 Readings in the theory of income distribution / 1
HB601 .A47 2010 The power of profit business and economic analyses, forecasting, and stock valuation / 1
HB601 .B28 National income and the price level : a study in macrotheory. 1
HB601 .B33 1951 Distribution of profits in the modern corporation : Catholic moral teaching. 1
HB601 .B35 An introduction to national income analysis. 1
HB601 .B46 National-income analysis and forecasting. 1
HB601 .B53 Toward an economic theory of income distribution / 2
HB601 .C3 Unternehmergewinn und Arbeitslohn. 1