Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB701 .H35 Toward the paraproprietal society : an essay on the nature of property in twentieth century America / 1
HB701 .H45 2008eb The gridlock economy : how too much ownership wrecks markets, stops innovation, and costs lives / 1
HB701 .H84 2013 Private property and state power : philosophical justifications, economic explanations, and the role of government / 1
HB701 .I58 2010 The invention of enterprise : entrepreneurship from ancient Mesopotamia to modern times / 1
HB701 .I58 2010eb The invention of enterprise : entrepreneurship from ancient Mesopotamia to modern times / 2
HB701.J25 2011 Fichte's Social and Political Philosophy : Property and Virtue. 2
HB701 .J25 2011eb Fichte's social and political philosophy : property and virtue / 2
HB701 .K29 Shoyūkenhō no riron / 1
HB701 .K47 2017 The property-owning democracy : freedom and capitalism in the twenty-first century / 2
HB701 .K558 Sobstvennostʹ : dokapitalisticheskie forma︠t︡sii. 1
HB701 .L19 The evolution of property from savagery to civilization. 1
HB701 .L23 1930 Property in the eighteenth century : with special reference to England and Locke / 1
HB701 .L23 1969b Property in the eighteenth century : with special reference to England and Locke. 1
HB701 .L3 1901 De la propriété et de ses formes primitives / 1
HB701 .L32 Primitive property / 1
HB701 .L32 1985 Primitive property, translated from the French of Emile de Laveleye / 1
HB701 .L32 1999eb Primitive property / 1
HB701 .L64 Property : its origin and development / 1
HB701 .L695 1989 Contracting for property rights / 2
HB701 .M2713 2018 Capitalism, socialism and property rights : why market socialism cannot substitute the market / 2