Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB835 .R46 2002 Fairness : theory & practice of distributive justice / 1
HB835 .R473 2017 Fairness / 1
HB835 .S39 2010eb Consuming choices : ethics in a global consumer age / 1
HB835 .S65 1980 Wealth addiction / 2
HB841 El universo del lujo /
The Bling Dynasty : Why the Reign of Chinese Luxury Shoppers Has Only Just Begun.
Real luxury : how luxury brands can create value for the long term /
Sustainable luxury and jewelry
Sustainable luxury, entrepreneurship, and innovation /
La fórmula del lujo /
The right to dress : sumptuary laws in a global perspective, 1200-1800 /
The creation of the extraordinary perspectives on luxury /
Luxury, lies and marketing : shattering the illusions of the luxury brand /
HB841 .B3 Principes de la science morale et politique sur le luxe et les loix somptuaires 1767 / 1
HB841 .B47 1994 The idea of luxury : a conceptual and historical investigation / 1
HB841 .B47 1994eb The idea of luxury : a conceptual and historical investigation / 1
HB841 .C2513 2014eb Luxury : fashion, lifestyle and excess / 1
HB841 .C75 2016eb Critical luxury studies : art, design, media / 1
HB841 .M396 2016 Luxury : a rich history / 2
HB841 .R53 2012eb Meta-luxury brands and the culture of excellence / 1
HB841 .S263 2013 El Alma de la Cosmética Ángeles Sánchez-Cueca Desvela Las Estrategias de Las Principales Marcas y Nos Acerca la Esencia de la Alta Cosmética y la Perfumería Selectiva. 1
HB841 .S363 2013 El alma : de la cosmética / 1
HB841 .T37 2020 The Evolution of Luxury / 1
HB841 .W34 2004 Luxury and public happiness : political economy in the Italian Enlightenment / 1
HB842 .A37 1998 Aggregate demand and supply : a critique of orthodox macroeconomic modelling / 1
HB842 .A57 2002 Modeling aggregate behavior and fluctuations in economics : stochastic views of interacting agents / 1
HB842 .A57 2002eb Modeling aggregate behavior and fluctuations in economics : stochastic views of interacting agents / 2
HB842 .S36 2000 Omitted variable tests and dynamic specification : an application to demand homogeneity / 1