Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB846.8 .S25 2001 Decisions and elections : explaining the unexpected / 2
HB846.8.S26 2008 HB846.8 Disposing Dictators, Demystifying Voting Paradoxes : Social Choice Analysis. 1
HB846.8 .S27 2002 Democratic planning and social choice dilemmas : prelude to institutional planning theory / 1
HB846.8 .S34 2006 Strategies of commitment and other essays / 1
HB846.8 .S36 1985 Social choice and democracy / 1
HB846.8 .S39 1986 The logic of collective choice / 1
HB846.8 .S46 1993 Government by the market? : the politics of public choice / 1
HB846.8 .S46 2002 Rationality and freedom / 1
HB846.8 .S46 2020 Government by the market? : the politics of public choice / 1
HB846.8 .S463 2000 Rolling back the market : economic dogma and political choice / 1
HB846.8 .S466 2002 Rationality and freedom / 1
HB846.8 .S59 1986 Essays in Honor of Kenneth J. Arrow. 1
HB846.8 S59 1986 Social choice and public decision making / 1
HB846.8 .S6 1983 Social choice and welfare
Social choice and welfare /
HB846.8 .S627 1996 Social choice re-examined : proceedings of the IEA conference held at Schloss Hernstein, Berndorf, near Vienna, Austria / 1
HB846.8 .S63 1993 Social choice theory / 1
HB846.8 .S74 2018 The economics of collective choice / 1
HB846.8 .S75 2016 Theory of social choice on networks : preference, aggregation, and coordination / 1
HB846.8 .S85 2006 Rights, deprivation, and disparity : essays in concepts and measurement / 1
HB846.8 .S93 The political economy of public choice : an introduction to welfare economics / 1