Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HB863 .W56 1987 | Malthus / | 2 |
HB863 .W56 2013 | Malthus : a very short introduction / | 1 |
HB863 .Z5 | The problem of Malthus: must progress end in overpopulation? / | 1 |
HB867 .R55 1985 | Population thought in the age of the demographic revolution / | 2 |
HB871 |
A concise history of world population / Demography of refugee and forced migration / International handbook of population and environment Population change and public policy / Encyclopedia of Global Population and Demographics. The No-growth society Economics and demography Population in History : Essays in Historical Demography, Volume II: Europe and United States. People populating / Demography for planning and policy : Australian case studies / Applied multiregional demography through problems a programmed learning workbook with exercises and solutions / An essay on the principle of sustainable population Population Growth : the Vital Revolution. Lexis in demography Global population in transition / The sexuality-reproduction nexus and the three demographic transitions an integrative framework / Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe : first results from SHARE after the economic crisis / World Health Statistics 2008. The demography of disasters impacts for population and place / Technological prospects and population trends HOMO ECOPHAGUS a deep diagnosis to save the earth. Overcrowded World : Global Population and International Migration. Building the population bomb / Vital signs : the trends that are shaping our future. Malthusian moment : global population growth and the birth of American environmentalism / Global political demography : the politics of population change / Methods of demographic analysis / Handbook of population Population reconstruction / Population in the human sciences : concepts, models, evidence / Demography and the Anthropocene / Mehrsprachige Pflegebedürftige in deutschen Pflegeheimen und das Projekt UnVergessen Studierende an der Schnittstelle von Forschung und Gesellschaft. Human evolutionary demography / |
35 |
HB871 .A365 2013 | Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in Europe : First Results from Share After the Economic Crisis. | 1 |
HB871 .A45 | Population: perspective. | 1 |
HB871 .A5 | And the poor get children : radical perspectives on population dynamics / | 2 |
HB871 .A67 2013 | Applied demography and public health | 1 |
HB871 .B25 | Population, resources, and the future; non-Malthusian perspectives. | 1 |
HB871 .B27 1997 | Women, population and global crisis : a political-economic analysis / | 1 |
HB871 .B3 | Expanding population in a shrinking world. | 1 |
HB871 .B38 2006eb | The global impact of demographic change / | 1 |
HB871 .B4 | Population processes in social systems / | 1 |
HB871 .B446 1994 | Beyond the numbers : a reader on population, consumption, and the environment / | 3 |
HB871 .B47 1889i | The law of population, its consequences and its bearing upon human conduct and morals | 1 |
HB871 .B49 1994 | Beyond the numbers : a reader on population, consumption, and the environment / | 1 |
HB871 .B53 | The crowding syndrome : learning to live with too much and too many. | 1 |
HB871 .B57 1971 | Hungry generations : the nineteenth-century case against Malthusianism / | 1 |
HB871 .B586 | Population, environment, and society / | 1 |