Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB881.A1 S8 Studia demograficzne 1
HB881 .B2 Modern social conditions : a statistical study of birth, marriage, divorce, death, disease, suicide, immigration, etc., with special reference to the United States / 1
HB881 .B3723 1966 Geography of population. 1
HB881 .B419 1969 Demographic analysis. 1
HB881 .B465 2021 Demographic analysis / 1
HB881 .B56 Applications of demography : the population situation in the U.S. in 1975. 1
HB881 .B564 Principles of demography /
Principles of demography
HB881 .B67 Population / 1
HB881 .C3 World population : past growth and present trends. 1
HB881 .C54 1954 Population and world politics / 1
HB881 .C67 1971 Population geography and the developing countries / 1
HB881 .C68 no. 44 International labour migration / 1
HB881 .C76 Population and economic growth. 1
HB881 .C783 1970 Demography / 1
HB881 .D42 Demografía y economía. 1
HB881 .E37 1967 Population growth and the brain drain;
Population growth and the brain drain /
HB881 .F173 1965 Men or insects? : A study of population problems / 1
HB881 .F3 Vital statistics : a memorial volume of selections from the reports and writings of William Farr / 1
HB881 .F7 Statistique internationale du mouvement de la population d'après les registres d'état civil. 1
HB881 .F74 Population Ahead.
The population ahead.