Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB97 .G475 2015  
HB97 .H57 2002 The historicity of economics : continuities and discontinuities of historical thought in 19th and 20th century economics / 1
HB97 .H63 2001 How economics forgot history : the problem of historical specificity in social science / 1
HB97 .H63 2002eb How economics forgot history the problem of historical specificity in social science / 1
HB97 .K57 1990 Historical economics : art or science? / 1
HB97 .L2 Architects and craftsmen in history / 1
HB97 .M47 1997 Methodology of the social sciences, ethics, and economics in the newer historical school : from Max Weber and Rickert to Sombart and Rothacker / 1
HB97 .S587 1972 Geistige und körperliche Arbeit : Zur Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Synthesis / 1
HB97 .T49 1995 The theory of ethical economy in the historical school : Wilhelm Roscher, Lorenz von Stein, Gustav Schmoller, Wilhelm Dilthey, and contemporary theory / 1
HB97.3 Evolutionary foundations of economic science : how can scientists study evolving economic doctrines from the last centuries? /
Digital designs for money, markets, and social dilemmas
Memetics and evolutionary economics : to boldly go where no meme has gone before /
Structure, evidence, and heuristic : evolutionary biology, economics, and the philosophy of their relationship /
Present and future of evolutionary economics : Japanese perspectives /
Evolutionary economics /
Economics of the anthropocene age /
Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics : Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics /
From reproduction to evolutionary governance toward an evolutionary political economy /
Evolutionary governance theory : an introduction /
Understanding economic change : advances in evolutionary economics /
Long term economic development : demand, finance, organization, policy and innovation in a Schumpeterian perspective /
Evolutionary governance theory an introduction /
Discovering artificial economics : how agents learn and economies evolve /
The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics /
HB97.3 .A53 1994 Evolutionary economics : post-Schumpeterian contributions / 1
HB97.3 .A53 2009eb Schumpeter's evolutionary economics : a theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the engine of capitalism / 1
HB97.3 .A56 2021 Coevolution in economic systems / 1
HB97.3 .A67 2003 Applied evolutionary economics : new empirical methods and simulation techniques / 1
HB97.3 .A67 2004 Applied evolutionary economics and complex systems / 1
HB97.3 .A68 2004 Applied evolutionary economics and complex systems / 1
HB97.3 .A75 2020 Evolutionary Financial Macroeconomics / 1
HB97.3 .A78 2015eb  
HB97.3 .A97 2020 The evolutionary origins of markets : how evolution, psychology, and biology have shaped the economy / 1
HB97.3 .B38 2000 Discovering artificial economics : how agents learn and economies evolve / 1