Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB97.5 B754 2019 Classical Marxism in an Age of Capitalist Crisis : the Past Is Prologue. 1
HB97.5 .B85 1968 The economic theory of the leisure class. 1
HB97.5 .B854 1982 Selected writings on the state and the transition to socialism / 1
HB97.5 .B873 1984 Radical political economy : an introduction to the alternative economics / 2
HB97.5 .B876 1981 Bürgerliche und kleinbürgerliche ökonomische Theorien über den Sozialismus, nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg / 1
HB97.5 .C37 2011eb Behind the crisis : Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge / 1
HB97.5 .C373 2011 Behind the crisis : Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge / 1
HB97.5 .C453 2003 Transition and development in India / 1
HB97.5 .C453 2003eb Transition and development in India / 1
HB97.5 .C453 2013 Transition and Development in India. 1
HB97.5 .C63 The Soviet theory of development : India and the Third World in Marxist-Leninist scholarship / 1
HB97.5 .C632 1981 Classical and Marxian political economy : essays in honor of Ronald L. Meek / 1
HB97.5 .C632 1982 Classical and Marxian political economy : essays in honor of Ronald L. Meek / 1
HB97.5 .C64 Wertstruktur und Preisstruktur : d. Bedeutung d. linearen Produktionstheorie für d. Kritik d. polit. Ökonomie / 1
HB97.5 .C66 2013 Contradictions : Finance, Greed, and Labor Unequally Paid / 1
HB97.5 .C889 2017 The economic ideas of Marx's capital : steps towards post-Keynesian economics / 2
HB97.5 .D43 Marxian economic theory. 1
HB97.5 .D43 1979 Marxian economics / 1
HB97.5 .D44 2002 Marx's revenge : the resurgence of capitalism and the death of statist socialism / 1
HB97.5 .D84413 2001 Towards an unknown Marx : a commentary on the manuscripts of 1861-63 / 1