Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB99.5 .W55 1987 The economic institutions of capitalism : firms, markets, relational contracting / 1
HB99.5 .Y66 1998 The struggle over the soul of economics : institutionalist and neoclassical economists in America between the wars / 1
HB99.5.Y66 1998 The Struggle over the Soul of Economics : Institutionalist and Neoclassical Economists in America between the Wars. 2
HB99.5 ebook La economía institucional 1
HB99.7 Keynes and economic policy : the relevance of The general theory after fifty years /
John Maynard Keynes und die britische Deutschlandpolitik : Machtanspruch und ökonomische Realität im Zeitalter der Weltkriege 1919-1946.
The power of economic ideas : the origins of macroeconomic management in Australia, 1929-39 /
John Maynard Keynes : free trader or protectionist? /
Macroeconomics without the errors of Keynes : the quantity theory of money, saving, and policy /
Equilibrium, expectations, and information : a study of the general theory and modern classical economics /
The economic process : an instantaneous non-Newtonian picture /
The Keynesian Revolution and Our Empty Economy : We're All Dead /
The global crisis of 2008 and Keynes's general theory /
Post-Keynesian theories of the firm : Galecki and radical uncertainty /
Who's afraid of John Maynard Keynes? : challenging economic governance in an age of growing inequality /
Franco Modigliani and Keynesian Economics: Theory
Millennial Keynes : an introduction to the origin, development, and later currents of Keynesian thought /
Keynes on uncertainty and tragic happiness complexity and expectations /
Keyness evolutionary spirit a philosophical journey through his work /
Keynesian reflections : effective demand, money, finance, and policies in the crisis /
Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesians revisited : inheritance from Marx, Keynes and institutionalism /
Keynesian macroeconomics beyond the IS-LM model /
The economics of John Maynard Keynes /
HB99.7 .A14 2010eb 21st century Keynesian economics /
21st century Keynesian economics
HB99.7 .A23 2011eb Henry A. Abbati : Keynes forgotten precursor : selected writings / 1
HB99.7 .A39 2003 Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians : authenticity and analytical perspective in the Keynes-Classics debate / 1
HB99.7 .A73 1997 Money, pricing, distribution, and economic integration / 1
HB99.7 .B33 2018 Luigi L. Pasinetti : an intellectual biography : leading scholar and system builder of the Cambridge School of Economics / 1
HB99.7 .B35 The Keynesian revolution revisited / 1
HB99.7 .B44 2022 Production, value and income distribution : a classical-Keynesian approach / 1
HB99.7 .B45 1994 The new Keynesian economics / 1
HB99.7 .B54 1989 Who killed John Maynard Keynes? : conflicts in the evolution of economic policy / 2
HB99.7 .B55 1985 The rise and fall of Keynesian economics : an investigation of its contribution to capitalist development / 1
HB99.7 .B75 1973 After Keynes : papers presented to Section F (Economics) at the 1972 annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science / 1
HB99.7 .C37 1988 On Keynes's method / 1
HB99.7 .C38 1992 Mr. Keynes and the post Keynesians : principles of macroeconomics for a monetary production economy / 1
HB99.7 .C53 2012 Reconstructing Keynesian macroeconomics. 1
HB99.7 .C53 2013eb Reconstructing Keynesian macroeconomics. 1