Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC104 .K85 2000eb From British peasants to colonial American farmers / 2
HC104 .L86 Industrial experiments in the British Colonies of North America. 1
HC104 .M377 2013  
HC104 .M38 1985 The economy of British America, 1607-1789 / 2
HC104 .M38 1991 The economy of British America, 1607-1789, with supplementary bibliography / 1
HC104 .M383 1997 Essays in the economic history of the Atlantic world / 1
HC104 .M383 1997eb Essays in the economic history of the Atlantic world 1
HC104 .P47 The economy of colonial America / 1
HC104 .P47 1988 The economy of colonial America / 1
HC104 .P67 2011eb The American road to capitalism : studies in class-structure, economic development, and political conflict, 1620-1877 / 2
HC104 .R87 2012 Planting an empire : the early Chesapeake in British North America / 1
HC105 The development of the national economy : the United States from the Civil War through the 1890s.
Speculative fictions : explaining the economy in the early United States /
Presidential leadership in feeble times : explaining executive power in the gilded age /
Freaks of fortune the emerging world of capitalism and risk in America /
Freaks of Fortune : the Emerging World of Capitalism and Risk in America /
Public choice economics and the Salem witchcraft hysteria /
HC105 .A4 1862 Circular from the commissioner of agriculture of the United States, on the present agricultural, mineral, and manufacturing condition and resources of the United States. 1
HC105 .A55 2021 Engineering expansion : the U.S. Army and economic development, 1787-1860 / 1
HC105 .A62 1994 American economic development in historical perspective / 1
HC105 .A63 American economic growth : an economist's history of the United States /
American economic growth; an economist's history of the United States,
HC105.A64 American Economic Growth and Standards of Living Before the Civil War. 1
HC105 .A795 2022 James Monroe, John Marshall, and "the excellence of our institutions", 1817-1825 : how Monroe's presidency became "an important epoch in the history of the civilized world" / 1
HC105 .B17  
HC105 .B45 2000 The political economy of American industrialization, 1877-1900 / 1