Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC106.3 .T87 1995 Debt, crisis, and recovery : the 1930s and the 1990s / 2
HC106.3 .U541 American industry in war and transition, 1940-1950 / 1
HC106.3 .V45 Deficit spending and the national income / 1
HC106.3 .V53 La concentración del poder económico en los Estados Unidos de América : las investigaciones de la Comisión temporaria de economía nacional. 1
HC106.3 .W322 New frontiers / 1
HC106.3 .W3233 Technology, corporations, and the general welfare / 1
HC106.3 .W3235 Whose Constitution? : An inquiry into the general welfare / 1
HC106.3 .W324 The New Deal in action / 1
HC106.3 .W33 Representative industries in the United States / 1
HC106.3 .W37 1947 Divided we stand : the crisis of a frontierless democracy / 1
HC106.3 .W386 Summary of findings to date, March 1938 / 1
HC106.3 .W43 2013eb When government helped : learning from the successes and failures of the New Deal / 1
HC106.3 .W43 2014 When government helped : learning from the successes and failures of the New Deal / 1
HC106.3 .W49 1970 Competition and monopoly in American industry. 1
HC106.3 .Y4 The Years of bitterness and pride : Farm Security Administration, FSA photographs, 1935-1943 /
The years of bitterness and pride : Farm Security Administration, FSA photographs, 1935-1943 /
HC106.3 .Y6 Depression and recovery / 1
HC106.3 .Z5 The United States of America, incorporated / 1
HC106.3 HB522 HC79.I5 Geography and Ownership as Bases for Economic Accounting. 1
HC106.3 HD5711 HD5711 HC106.3.C714 vol. 60HD5711 Labor Statistics Measurement Issues. 1
HC106.4 The economic consequences of U.S. mobilization for the Second World War / 2