Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC110.C6 B74 1993 Money and consumer durable spending / 1
HC110.C6 B75 Misperceptions of economic phenomena / 1
HC110.C6 B79 1990 The economic organization of the household / 1
HC110.C6 B89 2022 Buy Black : how Black women transformed US pop culture / 1
HC110.C6 C35 1967 The poor pay more : consumer practices of low-income families. 1
HC110.C6 C363 2017 Face value : the consumer revolution and the colonizing of America / 1
HC110.C6 C37 An analysis of the teen-age market. 1
HC110.C6 C38 1999 Community connections : strategic partnerships in the digital industries / 1
HC110.C6 C47 Simmons NCS 1
HC110.C6 C47 2012eb Identity shift : where identity meets technology in the networked-community age / 2
HC110.C6 C53 2000 Hoover, conservation, and consumerism : engineering the good life / 2
HC110.C6 C537 2003 A consumer's republic : the politics of mass consumption in postwar America / 1
HC110.C6 C54 Consumer attitudes and frustrations in shopping. 1
HC110.C6 C545 1978 Consumer expenditure patterns / 1
HC110.C6 C545x 1978 Consumer expenditure patterns / 1
HC110.C6 C55 1959 Proceedings / 1
HC110.C6 C56 1964 On knowing the consumer / 1
HC110.C6 C5615 Consumer confidence survey. 1
HC110.C6 C562 Consumer dimensions. 1
HC110.C6 C57 1982 Consumer experiences in the marketplace. 1