Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC110.S3 H47 Studies of portfolio behavior / 1
HC110.S3 H55 1988 The U.S. trade deficit with Japan : impact of savings-investment imbalances. 1
HC110.S3 H83 1996 Assessing the effectiveness of saving incentives / 1
HC110.S3 K67 2001 Essays on saving, bequests, altruism, and life-cycle planning / 1
HC110.S3 K67 2001eb Essays on saving, bequests, altruism, and life-cycle planning / 1
HC110.S3 L36 2008 The everyday life of global finance : saving and borrowing in Anglo-America / 1
HC110.S3 L47 1985 The Level and composition of household saving / 2
HC110.S3 L57 1987 Saving and economic growth : is the United States really falling behind? / 1
HC110.S3 M6 1982 Mobilizing capital : program innovation and the changing public/private interface in development finance / 1
HC110.S3 N38 2001 National saving : answers to key questions / 1
HC110.S3 P47 1999 Personal saving, personal choice / 1
HC110.S3 P82 1981 Public policy and capital formation : a study / 1
HC110.S3 S23 Prospects for capital formation and capital markets : financial requirements over the next decade / 1
HC110.S3 S24 1982 Saving and government policy : proceedings of a conference held at Melvin Village, New Hampshire, October, 1982 / 1
HC110.S3 S24 1986 Savings and capital formation : the policy options / 1
HC110.S3 S25 Savings deposits, mortgages, and housing : studies for the Federal Reserve-MIT-Penn economic model / 1
HC110.S3 T46 2011 Thrift and thriving in America : capitalism and moral order from the Puritans to the present / 1
HC110.S3 T47 1999 Building wealth : the new rules for individuals, companies, and nations in a knowledge-based economy / 1
HC110.S3 U17 1990 The U.S. savings challenge : policy options for productivity and growth / 1
HC110.S3 U8 1990 The U.S. savings challenge : policy options for productivity and growth / 1