Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC157.M4 D45 La vie paysanne à la Martinique essai de géographie humaine. 1
HC157.P8 B18 The Puerto Rican economy and United States economic fluctuations. 1
HC157.P8 C57 The Puerto Rican businessman : a study in cultural change. 1
HC157.P8 C8 The net income of the Puerto Rican economy, 1940-1944. 1
HC157.P8 D5 Porto Rico: a broken pledge / 1
HC157.P8 E3 1958 Proceedings. 1
HC157.P8 P4 Puerto Rico's economic future : a study in planned development. 1
HC157.P8 P495 The geography of Puerto Rico. 2
HC157.P8 P497 Puerto Rico: planificación y acción. 1
HC157.T8 R6 The mechanics of independence : patterns of political and economic transformation in Trinidad and Tobago / 1
HC157.V6 A33 Audit of Virgin Islands Corporation / 1
HC157.V6 O5 Rape of the American Virgins / 1
HC157.V6 V57 1917i The Virgin Islands a description of the commercial value of the Danish West Indies. 1
HC157.3.A1 C65 Country profile. 1
HC157.3 .B32i Background notes, Trinidad and Tobago 1
HC157.3 .C68 Country profile. 1
HC157.3 .H37 2002 The impact of macroeconomic policies in Trinidad and Tobago : the firm under adjustment / 1
HC157.3 .T75 1988 Trinidad and Tobago : a program for policy reform and renewed growth. 1
HC157.3.Z9 Economic development implications of the Venezuelan migrant crisis : Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean community / 1
HC157.3.Z9 C673 2005eb The 2005 Trinidad and Tobago economic and product market databook / 1