Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC240 .T73 2011 The trade impact of European Union preferential policies an analysis through gravity models / 1
HC240 .T75 2011eb Institutions, human development and economic growth in transition economies
Institutions, human development and economic growth in transition economies /
HC240 .T8 European economic history: tenth century to the present : theory and history of economic change / 1
HC240 .T83 Europe's needs and resources : trends, and prospects in eighteen countries / 1
HC240 .T85 The new Europe and its economic future / 1
HC240 .U37 1990 Unfamiliar territory : the reshaping of European geography / 1
HC240 .U57 Statistical indicators of short term economic changes in ECE countries. 1
HC240 .U6 1948 Countries participating in the European recovery program /
Report to Congress.
HC240 .U6 1948a European recovery program. : Report on S. 2202, a bill to promote the general welfare, national interest, and foreign policy of the United States through necessary economic and financial assistance to foreign countries which undertake to cooperate with each other in the establishment and maintenance of economic conditions essential to a peaceful and prosperous world. 1
HC240 .U6 1951 A survey of political and economic developments during 1950 in Western Germany, Austria, Trieste, Italy, Spain, and Portugal : report / 1
HC240 .U6 1957 Inspection tour of Representative Jamie L. Whitten to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Western Europe, in September and October 1956 / 1
HC240 .U6 1959 Economic policy in Western Europe : report for the Joint Economic Committee on conferences in Western Europe : with selected materials / 1
HC240 .U6 1960 Economic programs for labor surplus areas in selected countries of Western Europe / 1
HC240 .U62 1947a European recovery and American aid : a report. 1
HC240 .U63 no.21 Seventh report to Congress on assistance to Greece and Turkey for the period ended March 31, 1949. 1
HC240 .U6615 1948 European recovery program : estimated balance of payments on current account of the participating countries. Apr. 1, 1948-June 30, 1949. 1
HC240 .U6615 1948a European recovery program : estimated commodity imports and exports of the participating countries by value and quantity. Apr. 1, 1948-June 30, 1948 and July 1, 1948-June 30, 1949. 1
HC240 .U6615 1948b European recovery program : proposed distribution of Economic cooperation act financing by country and commodity. Apr. 8, 1948. 1
HC240 .U6753 Recovery guides. 1
HC240 .U7 1949 A report on recovery progress and United States aid. 1