Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC244.Z9 E59 2000 Natural resource management strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 1
HC244.Z9 E593 1999 Environment in the transition to a market economy : progress in Central and Eastern Europe and the new independent states / 1
HC244.Z9 F556 2006eb The impact of FDI on economic growth an analysis for the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe / 1
HC244.Z9 -- H475 2014eb Heritage for development in south-east europe. 1
HC244.Z9 I514 1992 Economic transformation in Eastern Europe and the distribution of income / 2
HC244.Z9 I5183 1997 National Accounts Central and Eastern Europe. 1
HC244.Z9I52 U65 2008eb Unleashing prosperity : productivity growth in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union / 1
HC244.Z9 I527 1995 Output decline in Eastern Europe : unavoidable, external influence or homemade? / 1
HC244.Z9 I5285 2008  
HC244.Z9I534a OP-10 Indexes of Rumanian industrial production, 1938, 1948, and 1950-1967 / 1
HC244.Z9I534a OP-35 Growth of East German industrial output, 1936, 1946, 1948, and 1950-1967 / 1
HC244.Z9I534a OP-36 East German agricultural production, expenses, gross and net product, and productivity, 1934-38 and 1950-1970 / 1
HC244.Z9I534a OP-37 Polish agricultural production : output, expenses, gross and net product, and productivity, 1934-38, 1937, and 1946-1970 / 1
HC244.Z9 I535 1996 Sustainable industrial development : a review : Round Table Conference on Cooperation for Sustainable Industrial Development, Salle du Conseil, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 16 April 1996 / 1
HC244.Z9 I547 1998 Income, inequality, and poverty during the transition from planned to market economy / 1
HC244.Z9 P6123 2005 Growth, Poverty, and Inequality : Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. 1
HC244.Z9 P613 2000 Poverty and social assistance in transition countries / 2
HC244.Z9 P6132 2007 Poverty and regional development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / 1
HC244.Z9 P6175 2001 Poverty, ethnicity, and gender in Eastern Europe during the market transition / 1
HC244.Z9 P618 2000 Poverty in transition economies / 1