Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HC254.4 .C64 1977 | The economy of England, 1450-1750 / | 1 |
HC254.4 .D56 2014 | The Origin of capitalism in England, 1400-1600 / | 2 |
HC254.4 .E5 1619 | Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. to the chiefe constables and bailiffes of the hundred of [blank] and to euery of them in our county of [blank] greeting ... ; Iames, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland defender of the faith, &c., to the [blank] of the [blank] of [blank] and to euery of them in our county of [blank] greeting .. | 1 |
HC254.4 .E54 1990 | English rural society, 1500-1800 : essays in honour of Joan Thirsk / | 1 |
HC254.4 E974 2016 | Experiences of poverty in late medieval and early modern England and France / | 1 |
HC254.4 .G73 1976 | Black death to Industrial Revolution : a social and economic history of England / | 1 |
HC254.4 .H67 1976 | The age of plunder : King Henry's England, 1500-1547 / | 1 |
HC254.4 (INTERNET) |
The fortresse of the faythfull agaynst [ye] cruel assautes of pouertie and honger newlye made for the comforte of poore nedye Christians / The complaynt of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a gray fryre, vnto the parliament howse of Ingland his natural cuntry for the redresse of certen wicked lawes, euel customs ad [sic] cruell decreys. A table wherof thou shalt fynde in the nexte leafe. A compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints of diuers of our country men in these our dayes which although they are in some part vniust & friuolous, yet are they all by vvay of dialogues throughly debated & discussed. / |
3 |
HC254.4 .J32 | Trade and industry in Tudor and Stuart England / | 1 |
HC254.4 .J65 | The Tudor Commonwealth, 1529-1559 : a study of the impact of the social and economic developments of mid-Tudor England upon contemporary concepts of the nature and duties of the commonwealth / | 1 |
HC254.4 .M66 2003 | Money and the age of Shakespeare : essays in new economic criticism / | 1 |
HC254.4 .O27 | Englands wirthschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittelalters / | 1 |
HC254.4 .P34 1983 | The Age of Elizabeth : England under the later Tudors, 1547-1603 / | 1 |
HC254.4 .P34 1992 | The Age of Elizabeth : England under the later Tudors, 1547-1603 / | 1 |
HC254.4 .P35 2013 | The age of Elizabeth England under the later Tudors 1547-1603 / | 1 |
HC254.4 .P76 1990 | Profit, piety and the professions in later medieval England / | 1 |
HC254.4 .R3 | Tudor economic problems. | 1 |
HC254.4 .S36 2012eb | Experiences of poverty in late medieval and early modern England and France / | 1 |
HC254.4 .S42 1988 | Poverty and policy in Tudor and Stuart England / | 1 |
HC254.4 .T47 1984 | The rural economy of England : collected essays / | 1 |