Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC335 .D26 1998 Soviet economic development from Lenin to Khrushchev / 2
HC335 .D26 1998eb Soviet economic development from Lenin to Khrushchev / 1
HC335 .D38 The development of the Soviet economy : plan and performance / 1
HC335 .D59 1967 Papers on capitalism, development, and planning / 1
HC335 .D59 2012eb Papers on capitalism, development, and planning / 1
HC335 .D6 Russian economic development since the revolution / 1
HC335 .D6 1928i Russian economic development since the revolution 1
HC335 .D63 1966 Soviet economic development since 1917 / 1
HC335 .D63 1966a Soviet economic development since 1917 / 1
HC335.D63 2012 Soviet Economic Development Since 1917. 1
HC335 .D63 2012eb Russian economic development since the revolution
Soviet economy and the war, bound with Soviet planning and labour in peace and war : four studies.
HC335 .D635 Soviet economy and the war. 1
HC335 .D636 Soviet planning and labor in peace and war / 1
HC335 .D64 Soviet Russia and the world / 1
HC335 .D744 1997 The life and times of Soviet socialism / 1
HC335 .D813 Ėkonomicheskie zakony i ikh ispolʹzovanie v stroitelʹstve kommunizma. 1
HC335 .D87 1985 Future of the Soviet Economic Planning System
The future of the Soviet economic planning system /
HC335 .D88 1976a The Soviet economy / 1
HC335 .E27 Economic welfare and the economics of Soviet socialism : essays in honor of Abram Bergson / 2
HC335 .E27 1981 Economic Welfare and the Economics of Soviet Socialism : Essays in honor of Abram Bergson / 1