Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC407.Y6 B48 Economic policy in socialist Yugoslavia. -
Economic policy in socialist Yugoslavia.
HC407.Y6 B67 Economic development of Communist Yugoslavia, 1947-1964 / 1
HC407.Y6 C33 Réforme économique et socialisme en Yougoslavie. 1
HC407.Y6 D54 An introduction to the Yugoslav economy / 1
HC407.Y6 E53 The Economic reform in Yugoslavia. 1
HC407.Y6 H29 1968b Yugoslavia: patterns of economic activity /
Yugoslavia: patterns of economic activity
HC407.Y6 H578  
HC407.Y6 H6 1976 The Yugoslav economic system : the first labor-managed economy in the making / 1
HC407.Y6 K5 On the construction of socialist economy in the FPRY : speech delivered at the V Congress of the CPY / 1
HC407.Y6 M4 Yugoslavia's natural resources. 1
HC407.Y6 M47 Plan and market in Yugoslav economic thought,
Plan and market in Yugoslav economic thought /
HC407.Y6 P32 The market-planned economy of Yugoslavia. 1
HC407.Y6 .P32 1966 Market-Planned Economy of Yugoslavia. 2
HC407.Y6 S74 Business in Yugoslavia / 1
HC407.Y6 S85 Yugoslav economists on problems of a socialist economy / 2
HC407.Y6 W35 Planning in Yugoslavia : organization and implementation. 1
HC407.Y6 Y79 Yugoslavia, development with decentralization : report of a mission sent to Yugoslavia by the World Bank / 1
HC407 .Y822 1992 Yugoslavia in the age of democracy : essays on economic and political reform / 1
HC407 .Y823 1992 Yugoslavia in transition : choices and constraints : essays in honour of Fred Singleton / 2
HC407.Z7 Kosovo : gearing policies toward growth and development /
Kosovo : institutions and policies for reconstruction and growth /