Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC412 .G558 2002 Asia meets Europe : inter-regionalism and the Asia-Europe Meeting / 1
HC412 .G566 2014 The global rise of Asian transformation : trends and developments in economic growth dynamics / 1
HC412 .G574 2004 Globalization in the Asian region : impacts and consequences / 1
HC412 .G58 1999 The downsizing of Asia / 1
HC412 .G58 1999eb The downsizing of Asia
The downsizing of Asia /
HC412 .G58 2002eb The downsizing of Asia / 1
HC412 .G63 1995 Government-NGO relations in Asia : prospects and challenges for people-centred development / 1
HC412 .G676 Britain and Middle East development. 1
HC412 .G713 1994 Growth triangles in Asia : a new approach to regional economic cooperation / 1
HC412 .G72 Industrialization in the Middle East / 1
HC412 .H18 2000  
HC412 .H257 2007 Handbook on the Northeast and Southeast Asian economies / 1
HC412 .H33 1999 Divisia monetary aggregates and economic activities in Asian developing economies / 1
HC412 .H384 2013 Asian punches a transcultural affair / 1
HC412 .H4 Introduction to the modern economic history of the Middle East. 1
HC412 .H45 1957 Helping economic development in Asia and the Far East : the work of ECAFE. 1
HC412 .H47 Introduction to the modern economic history of the Middle East. 1
HC412 .H55 Southeast Asia's economy development policies in the 1970's / 1
HC412 .H57 2013eb The private sector's role in poverty reduction in Asia / 1
HC412 .H65 1966 Ajia-teki seisan yƍshiki no mondai / 1