Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC59 .H285 Managing growth in the 1980's : toward a new economics / 1
HC59 .H3 Economic policy and full employment / 1
HC59 .H339 Quantitative analyses of modernization and development / 1
HC59 .H344 1986 The politics of global resources : population, food, energy, and environment / 2
HC59 .H35 Economic planning : the plans of fourteen countries with analyses of the plans. 1
HC59 .H3558 1986 The economics of natural resource use / 2
HC59 .H35593 1989 Non-renewable resources : extraction programs and markets / 1
HC59 .H35593 2001eb Non-renewable resources extraction programs and markets / 1
HC59 .H36 v.1 Handbook of natural resource and energy economics. 1
HC59 .H363 1969 Studies in philosophy, politics and economics / 1
HC59 .H37 Illusions of Point four / 1
HC59 .H378 1978 Beyond boom and crash / 2
HC59 .H3787 1984 1985 international economic outlook : views of U.S. corporate planners / 1
HC59 .H3788 International outlook 1982 : the corporate perspective / 1
HC59 .H379 International outlook for 1981 : the corporate perspective / 1
HC59 .H383 The politics of the solar age : alternatives to economics / 1
HC59 .H45 1985 The world economy in the 1980's : trends and issues / 1
HC59 .H5 Essays in world economics. 1
HC59 .H523 2014eb Collision course : endless growth on a finite planet / 2
HC59 .H57 The diseconomics of growth / 1