Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC59.69 .S63 Social indicators of development. 1
HC59.69 .S65 South. 1
HC59.69 .T55 Third world affairs. 1
HC59.69 .U72 Urban research working papers. 1
HC59.69 .W66 The Little Data Book 2008. 1
HC59.69 .W66 1998eb Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1998 / 1
HC59.69 .W66 2004eb Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2004 accelerating development /
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2004 : accelerating development /
HC59.69 .W66a Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean : 1999 Proceedings - Decentralization and Accountability of the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics.
HC59.69.W66 L57 2010 The Little Data Book 2010. 1
HC59.69 .W662 no.12 Liberalized and neglected? : food marketing policies in Eastern Africa / 1
HC59.69 .W668 no.224 Toward an environmental strategy for Asia / 1
HC59.69 .W67 The World Bank economic review. 1
HC59.69.W67 2000eb Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000. 1
HC59.69 .W67 2000eb Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2000
The World Bank economic review. A symposium on geographical targeting.
HC59.69 .W67eb The World Bank economic review. 1
HC59.69 .W674 World Bank publications in review. 1
HC59.69 .W675 World*data 1
HC59.69 .W687 no.61 Desertification in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa / 1
HC59.69 .W687 no.307 Toward participatory research / 1
HC59.7 Retooling development aid in the 21st century : the importance of budget support /
The less developed economy : a critique of contemporary theory /
Third World resource directory /
The world economic and social crisis : its impact on the underdeveloped countries, its somber prospects and the need to struggle if we are to survive : report to the seventh Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Countries /
Persistent poverty : underdevelopment in plantation economies of the Third World /
The World Bank open knowledge repository.
World development report
Rethinking resource conflict
OKR open knowledge repository.
Remittances and vulnerability in developing countries
Building institutions for markets.
Emerging powers, development cooperation and South-South relations
Milestones and turning points in development thinking
Entwicklungsperspektiven von Niedrigeinkommensländern - Zur Bedeutung von Wissen und Institutionen.
The political economy of underdevelopment
SOUTHERN-LED DEVELOPMENT FINANCE : solutions from the global south.
Tales from the Development Frontier : How China and Other Countries Harness Light Manufacturing to Create Jobs and Prosperity.
Problem-driven political economy analysis : the World Bank's experience /
Structural adjustment, the environment and sustainable development /
Integration der Entwicklungsländer in eine instabile Weltwirtschaft - Probleme, Chancen, Gefahren.
Breaking out of the poverty trap : case studies from the Tibetan Plateau in Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu /
Untersuchungen einzelner Entwicklungsländer : Peru, Tunesien, Ägypten und Syrien /
Development economics on trial : the anthropological case for a prosecution /
South-South development /
Political economy of development in the Global South Post-COVID-19 pandemic /
Introducing foreign models for development : Japanese experience and cooperation in the age of new technology /
Resource scarcity, climate change and the risk of violent conflict
Emerging markets rule : growth strategies of the new global giants /
A Reappraisal of Economic Development : Perspectives for Cooperative Research.
The Shared Space : the Two Circuits of the Urban Economy in Underdeveloped Countries /
Development management : theory and practice /
Why states matter in economic development : the socioeconomic origins of strong institutions /
Unequal development and capitalism catching up and falling behind in the global economy /
Corruption, development and inequality : soft touch or hard graft? /
Global economic prospects.
Small states in a legal world
Pursuing alternative development : indigenous people, ethnic organization and agency /
Cluster-based industrial development : KAIZEN management for MSE growth in developing countries /
Beating the odds : jump-starting developing countries /
Business cycles in BRICS /
Entrepreneurship in the BRICs : economic development and growth in the post-pandemic world /
Emerging States and Economies Their Origins, Drivers, and Challenges Ahead.
The diversity of emerging capitalisms in developing countries : globalization, institutional convergence and experimentation /
Development and Equity : an Interdisciplinary Exploration by Ten Scholars from Africa, Asia and Latin America /
Third world industrialisation in the 1980s open economies in a closing world /
Oil, debt, and development : OPEC in the Third World /
Changing resource problems of the Fourth World /
Economic progress and policy in developing countries /
Die Stellung von Landwirtschaft und Industrie im Wachstumsprozess der Entwicklungsländer /
Reimagining civil society collaborations in development : starting from the South /
Inclusive innovation for development : meeting the demands of justice through public action /
The economics of poverty /
Measuring development : the role and adequacy of development indicators /
Trapped in the middle? : developmental challenges for middle-income countries /
INFLATION, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND X-EFFICIENCY THEORY a study prepared for the international... labour office...
Cultiver La Paix : Conflits Et Collaboration Dans La Gestion Des Ressources Naturelles.
Cultivar La Paz : Conflicto Y Colaboracion En El Manejo De Los Recursos Naturales.
New paths of development perspectives from the Global South /
Handbook of BRICS and emerging economies /
Towards sustainable development : essays on system analysis of national policy /
Investing in development : a practical plan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Business innovation and development in emerging economies /
Growth, debt, and politics : economic adjustment and the political performance of developing countries /
Dependency Theory Revisited.
Economic development, poverty, and income distribution.
The teaching of development economics : the proceedings of the Manchester Conference on Teaching Economic Development, April 1964 /
The crime of maldevelopment : economic deregulation and violence in the Global South /
New players, new game? : the impact of emerging economies on global governance /
Reclaiming development : an alternative economic policy manual /
European trade policies and the developing world /
Structural adjustment and the environment /
Beyond Macroeconomic Stability : Structural transformation and inclusive development.
Globalization, and development : country experiences /
New perspectives on current development policy : COVID-19, the digital divide, and state internet regulation /
Global Economic Prospects 2006 : Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration.
Global monitoring report 2013 : rural-urban dynamics and the millennium development goals.
Economic growth and urbanization in developing areas /
Achieving development success : strategies and lessons from the developing world /
Rich People Poor Countries.
Colonialism and change : essays presented to Lucy Mair /
The challenges of technology and economic catch-up in emerging economies /
Going Global : Transnational Perspectives on Globalization, Language, and Education.
Third World regional development : a reappraisal /
Reshaping Global Value Chains in Light of COVID-19 Implications for Trade and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries.
Boletín Internacional de Investigación Sindical : Cambio Climático y Trabajo: la Necesidad de una "Transición Justa."
Convergence and developmental aspects of credit allocations in BRICS nations : theoretical and empirical inquiries /
Economics of developing countries /
The primary sector in economic development : proceedings of the seventh Arne Ryde Symposium, Frostavallen, August 29-30 1983 /
Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Reforms, 2 : a Practitioners' Guide to Pension, Health, Labor Markets, Public Sector Downsizing, Taxation, Decentralization and Macroeconomic Modeling.
The role of the state : BRIC national systems of innovation /
Rural-urban interaction in the developing world
ADJUSTING TO REALITY beyond state versus market in economic development.
Deals and development : the political dynamics of growth episodes /
Fostering institutional development and vital change in Africa and Asia /
Growth, Poverty and Inequality Dynamics Four Empirical Essays at the Macro and Micro Level
The political economy of intra-BRICS cooperation : challenges and prospects /
BRICS innovative competitiveness report 2017.
Catch up : developing countries in the world economy /
Bibliography on economic cooperation among developing countries, 1981-1982 : with annotations /
New tigers & old elephants : the development game in the 21st century /
Development studies revisited : twenty-five years of the Journal of development studies /
Managing Development Programs : the Lessons of Success.
Emerging issues in economic development : a contemporary theoretical perspective /
Economic planning and social justice in developing countries /
Entwicklungsperspektiven von Niedrigeinkommensländern - Zur Bedeutung von Wissen und Institutionen.
Sustainable Resource Development in the Third World.
Third world industrialisation in the 1980s : open economies in a closing world /
The development of BRIC and the large country advantage /
Globalization and the Race to the Bottom in Developing Countries : Who Really Gets Hurt?.
Saqueando o terceiro mundo /
The developer's dilemma : structural transformation, inequality dynamics, and inclusive growth /
Growth and transformation of emerging powers research on BRICS economies /
Global Economic Prospects, June 2016 : Divergences and Risks.
Survival and change in the ThirdWorld /
Development and Democracy.
Emerging economies during and after the great recession /
The New Third world
Reducing global inequities /
Globalization and the Race to the Bottom in Developing Countries : Who Really Gets Hurt?
Natural resource degradation and human-nature wellbeing : cases of biodiversity resources, water resources, and climate change /
The inexorable evolution of financialisation : financial crises in emerging markets /
Inside the Third World : the anatomy of poverty /
Wealth creation approach to reducing global poverty
Polycrisis and economic development in the Global South /
The globalization and development reader : perspectives on development and global change /
The international political economy of the BRICS /