Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC79.T4 Transformative innovation for international development : operationalizing innovation ecosystems and smart cities for sustainable development and poverty reduction /
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 4 : Developed Countries.
Technological Change, Development and the Environment : Socio-Economic Perspectives /
The future of community how to leverage Web3 technologies to grow your business /
Innovation and economic development /
Innovation Ecosystems : How Driving Forces and Success Factors Affect Opportunities for Business Innovation /
Responsible industry 4.0 : a framework for human-centered artificial intelligence /
Technology entrepreneurship taking innovation to the marketplace /
Technological change, development and the environment : socio-economic perspectives /
Revolutionizing world trade : how disruptive technologies open opportunities for all /
Transforming innovations in Africa : explorative studies on appropriation in African societies /
Technology entrepreneurship : insights in new technology-based firms, research spin-offs and corporate environments.
Digital disruption implications and opportunities for economies, society, policy makers and business leaders /
Green innovations for industrial development and business sustainability : models and implementation strategies /
Grassroots innovation : discourse, policy and practice in the Global South /
La geografía de la innovación : núcleos locales, redes mundiales.
The new economy in transatlantic perspective : spaces of innovation /
Researching diffusion of innovations using a mixed methods design.
Unpacking Open Innovation Highlights from a Co-Evolutionary Inquiry.
OPEN DATA FOR EVERYBODY using open data for social good.
Macro innovation dynamics and the golden age : new insights into Schumpeterian dynamics, inequality and economic growth /
Innovative technologies in intelligent systems and industrial applications : CITISIA 2022 /
Responsibility beyond growth : a case for responsible stagnation /
Technology and inequality : concentrated wealth in a digital world /
The Political Economy of Innovation Development : Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Economic Theory /
Global Innovation Index 2022 : Executive Summary.
How digital communication technology shapes markets redefining competition, building cooperation /
The future of community : how to leverage Web3 technologies to grow your business /
The demographics of innovation : why demographics is a key to the innovation race /
The role of demand and supply in the generation and diffusion of technical change /
Responsibility beyond growth a case for responsible stagnation.
An Explanation of the Inverted-U Relationship between Profitability and Innovation /
Transforming government and building the information society
Innovation systems in emerging economies : MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) /
The 4th Industrial Revolution : Responding to the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business /
Entrepreneurship in innovation communities : insights from 3D printing startups and the dilemma of open source hardware /
Innovation, human capabilities, and democracy towards an enabling welfare state /
Innovation and growth from R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change /
Technological innovation and international competitiveness for business growth : challenges and opportunities /
The Economics Of New Technology In Developing Countries.
Diversities of innovation /
Global Innovation Index 2022, 15th Edition What is the future of innovation driven growth?.
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 2 : Africa.
Foreign consultants and counterparts : problems in technology transfer /
Venture capital and strategic investment for developing government mission capabilities
Die Trade-Offs der Nachhaltigkeit Eine Forschungsreise Zur Dreiwertigen Logik und Zu Science Constellations.
Microhistories of technology : making the world /
Harnessing the secret structure of innovation : Innovation is often viewed as more art than science : But in reality, companies can improve their odds of sustained success by taking advantage of information about the unfolding innovation process /
Transnational corporations and local innovation : brics national systems of innovation /
Fifty ideas that shaped business today /
WTF? : what's the future and why it's up to us /
Technology and industrial parks in emerging countries : panacea or pipedream? /
Convergence of knowledge, technology and society : beyond convergence of nano-bio-info-cognitive technologies /
Innovation in crisis management /
How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy /
Innovation policy : a practical introduction /
DIGITALIZATE como digitalizar tu empresa.
Need, speed, and greed : how the new rules of innovation can transform businesses, propel nations to greatness, and tame the world's most wicked problems /
Responsible innovation 1 : innovative solutions for global issues /
Are there laws of innovation?
The power of ideas : a history of technological thoughts on digital economics /
Innovation in the high-tech economy /
Rights, regulation, and the technological revolution
Algorithmic Governance Politics and Law in the Post-Human Era /
China as an innovation nation /
Innovation systems, policy and management /
Revolutionizing innovation : users, communities, and open innovation /
Embracing the future : creative industries for environment and advanced society 5.0 in a post-pandemic era : proceedings of the 8th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries (8th BCM 2021), Bandung, Indonesia, 9 September 2021 /
ECO TECH : investing in regenerative futures.
Innovation and Development : the Politics at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
Sociology of economic innovation /
Technen : elements of recent history of information technologies with epistemological conclusions /
The effect of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on business intelligence
Reimagining innovation systems in the COVID and post-COVID world /
Institutions, technology, and circular and cumulative causation in economics /
Innovation for the masses : how to share the benefits of the high-tech economy /
Innovation, sustainability, and technological megatrends in the face of uncertainties : core developments and solutions /
Green innovation and future technology : engaging regional SMEs in the green economy /
Digital technologies for sustainable futures : promises and pitfalls /
Future-oriented technology analysis strategic intelligence for an innovative economy /
Technologies and Innovations in Regional Development
Accompanying local innovators on the journey from research to product : Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Report 2021.
Répartition géographique de l'innovation : pôles de concentration locaux, réseaux mondiaux.
TISCs and TTOs report 2022 : strengthening local innovation capacities to accelerate knowledge and technology transfer.
Managing technology entrepreneurship and innovation /
Innovation scorecard a method to measure innovation in Agile projects and business environments /
Uncertainty in economics : a new approach /
The maker movement manifesto : rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers, and tinkerers /
The emerging economies under the dome of the fourth industrial revolution /
Political and economic implications of blockchain technology in business and healthcare /
Innovation and Strategy.
Voces diversas y disruptivas en tiempos de Revolucion 4.0
Innovation policy and the economy.
Digital transformation and the world economy critical factors and sector-focused mathematical models /
The rise of the curator class : changing the way we buy, sell, and make everything /
Thanks for watching : an anthropological study of video sharing on YouTube /
Principles of digital economics innovation theory in the Age of Intelligence /
The frugal innovator : creating change on a shoestring budget /
Digital Transformation A Strategic Structure for Implementation.
Industrial Change in Advanced Economies.
Competitive strategies for academic entrepreneurship : commercialization of research-based products /
How nations learn : technological learning, industrial policy, and catch-up /
Why the power of technology rarely goes to the people : a new book reviewing 1,000 years of technological progress reveals how it benefits entrenched interests /
Technocapitalism : the rise of the new robber barons and the fight for the common good /
HC79 .T4 The cyclic nature of innovation : connecting hard sciences with soft values. 1
HC79.T4 A16 2009 21st century innovation systems for Japan and the United States : lessons from a decade of change : report of a symposium / 1
HC79.T4 A16 2009eb 21st century innovation systems for Japan and the United States : lessons from a decade of change : report of a symposium / 1
HC79.T4 A415 2017eb Integral innovation : new worldviews / 1
HC79.T4 A43 2023 Technological revolutions and the periphery : understanding global development through regional lenses / 1
HC79.T4 A443 2008eb The mantra of efficiency from waterwheel to social control /
The mantra of efficiency : from waterwheel to social control /
HC79.T4 A46 1988 The innovative choice : an economic analysis of the dynamics of technology / 1
HC79.T4 A52 2015 Innovation and entrepreneurship : powerful tools for a modern knowledge-based economy / 1
HC79.T4 .A5293 2013eb Innovation support in Latin America and Europe : theory, practice and policy in innovation and innovation systems / 1
HC79.T4 A53 2021 Integrating logics in the governance of emerging technologies : the case of nanotechnology / 1
HC79.T4 A582 2003 The economics of innovation, new technologies and structural change / 1
HC79.T4 A582 2003eb The economics of innovation, new technologies and structural change
The economics of innovation, new technologies and structural change /
HC79.T4 A586 2008 Localised technological change : towards the economics of complexity / 1
HC79.T4 A586 2008eb Localised technological change towards the economics of complexity / 1
HC79.T4 A817 2007 Technological communities and networks : triggers and drivers for innovation / 1
HC79.T4 A817 2007eb Technological communities and networks : triggers and drivers for innovation / 1
HC79.T4 A85 2013eb The atlas of economic complexity : mapping paths to prosperity / 2
HC79.T4 A85x 2001 The transition to a new economy after the Second Industrial Revolution 1
HC79.T4 ǂb P37 1993eb Structural Economic Dynamics / 1