Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HCP6/30.11/INTERNET | Colorado physical health performance measure validation report. | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/F73/2000 | Colorado Medicaid footnote 50a report on issues of rate disparity and shortfalls within long term care / | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/G89/2000 | Colorado Medicaid report on the growth in community long term care. | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/H34/1999 | Health plan employer data and information set, HEDIS : a comprehensive performance report of Colorado Medicaid health plans / | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/H34/2000 | HEDIS 2000, health plan employer data & information set : evaluation of quality of care delivered to Colorado Medicaid clients in 1999 / | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/H34/2000/INTERNET | HEDIS 2000, health plan employer data & information set evaluation of quality of care delivered to Colorado Medicaid clients in 1999 / | 1 |
HCP6/30.2/P11/2003 | Status report for Colorado PACE expansion project for the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, Long Term Benefits Division / | 1 |
HCP6/30.8/L86/2012/INTERNET | Long-term care medical assistance user desk reference guide. | 1 |
Medicaid member caseload by county. Medicaid client caseload by county Medicaid caseload without retroactivity by county |
3 |
HCP6/35.11/INTERNET | Data Book and proposed capitation rates effective . | 1 |
HCP6.10/ | Colorado Medicaid acute care annual report FY ... / | 1 |
HCP6.10/year | Colorado Medicaid acute care annual report FY ... / | 1 |
HCP6.11/ | Medicaid long term care annual report FY ... / | 1 |
HCP6.11/year | Medicaid long term care annual report FY ... / | 1 |
Provider bulletin Medicaid bulletin : Colorado Title XIX / Medical assistance program bulletin : Colorado Title XIX / |
3 |
HCP6.2/B49/2007/INTERNET | The little billing book a quick reference for Medical Assistance Program billers. | 1 |
HCP6.2/B49/2010/INTERNET | The little billing book a quick reference for Medical Assistance Program billers. | 1 |
HCP6.2/G28/2009/INTERNET | Colorado Medical Assistance Program general provider information | 1 |
HCP6.8/AG3/2011/INTERNET | Aged, blind, and disabled medical assistance user desk reference guide. | 1 |
HCP6.8/C64/2011/INTERNET | 2011 uniform service coding standards manual / | 1 |