Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1289.I5 S87 2011 Sustainability of rights after globalisation / 1
HD1289.J3 B76 2011 Cultivating commons : joint ownership of arable land in early modern Japan / 1
HD1289.J3 L63 2013 Local commons and democratic environmental governance / 1
HD1289.K42 S265 2008 Contesting the commons : privatizing pastoral lands in Kenya / 1
HD1289.K6 C66 2022 Commons perspectives in South Korea : context, fields, and alternatives / 1
HD1289.L29 Retos latinoamericanos en la lucha por los comunes : historias a compartir / 1
HD1289.M6 D4 1997 Mexico's second agrarian reform : household and community responses, 1990-1994 / 1
HD1289.M6 ebook La regulación imposible : (i)legalidad e (i)legitimidad en los mercados de tierra en México al inicio del siglo XXI / 1
HD1289.M6 K72 1991 Peasant differentiation and development : the case of a Mexican ejido / 1
HD1289.M6 M67 1992 Alternativas de modernización del ejido / 1
HD1289.M6 P39 1991 La disputa por el ejido / 1
HD1289.M6 S33 1981 Caciquismo in post-revolutionary Mexican ejido-grant communities / 1
HD1289.M6 S74 1994 Viva Zapata! : generation, gender, and historical consciousness in the reception of ejido reform in Oaxaca / 1
HD1289.M6 T7 1998 The transformation of rural Mexico : reforming the ejido sector / 1
HD1289.M6 V39 2004 Land privatization in Mexico : urbanization, formation of regions, and globalization in ejidos / 1
HD1289.M6 V39 2004eb Land privatization in Mexico : urbanization, formation of regions, and globalization in ejidos / 2
HD1289.P16 The governance of common property in the Pacific region / 3
HD1289.S64 P76 2008 Promise, trust, and evolution : managing the commons of South Asia / 1
HD1289.S644 From Mekong commons to Mekong community : an interdisciplinary approach to transboundary challenges / 1
HD1289.S9 B35 2021 Balancing the commons in Switzerland : institutional transformations and sustainable innovations / 2